My “Quiet Time” Stinks!

Probably because it's basically nonexistent. No need to go into the ugly details ... because I imagine you've been there too. It happens ... and it's happening to me.   Probably related to chaos in my life and the whirlwind of changes we've been facing. Nonetheless, at this point, today, I officially declare, "My quiet time stinks!" And right now, I've decided I'm okay with that.  {i think} Because maybe, sometimes we just need to let go of all the routines and just wait until the Lord ... [Read More]

{Top Ten} Books to Encourage a Weary Heart

It's no secret around here that I love my Kindle ... I mean, I really love my Kindle.   So much so that I have convinced several others to get Kindles just because I rave about mine so much. But ... I still love the feel of a book in my hand.   My whole life I've had a love affair with books.   There are photos of me as a toddler curled up in my crib holding the book I was "reading" before I fell asleep.   Similar photos have been snapped throughout my life.   It's not unusual for my husband ... [Read More]

Laying It Down

Overwhelmed. Adjusting. Uncertain. I think those are the three words that best describe me of late.   It seems that every time I begin to feel settled and find a routine that works, something happens.   So far, all the "somethings" have been great: a new job for Scott and a move back to North Alabama a move from one house to another within a month of moving back to North Alabama school starting for my girl  - middle school, no less But each of these has brought a necessary reassessing of ... [Read More]

Overflowing Grace

After an evening of yelling and crying and overflowing YUCK, she was in bed asleep and I found myself overwhelmed by how quickly life’s circumstances – even the really small stuff – can gain the upper hand in my heart. That old self talk began … “You’re a terrible mom!” “She is not going to want to be close to you.” “You’re going to mess this up so bad.” “Failure.” Weary from the day, all I wanted was to go to bed and start over.  The ache in my heart and lies in my head made crawling ... [Read More]

We Will Remember

Ten years ago today I was with my entire family - parents, brothers, sister-in-law, nieces and nephews - at "The Happiest Place on Earth." We were on our second day at Magic Kingdom and looking forward to doing all the things we'd missed the day before due to those late afternoon thunderstorms in central Florida. We arrived at the park when it opened and immediately agreed to meet back around lunch time at the Mickey and Walt statue to see how everyone was doing. Scott and I headed to Country ... [Read More]

A Place to Put Your Feet Up

Home is a place not only of strong affections, but of entire unreserve; it is life's undress rehearsal, its backroom, its dressing room.  ~ Harriet Beecher Stowe The “undress rehearsal” … I love that idea.  My daughter dances and dress rehearsals are a huge part of our lives.  Chaotic, loud, and busy are words that describe the backstage happenings before a production.  Home as an undress rehearsal brings to mind calm, peaceful, and stable. Isn’t that what we desire our homes to be?  A haven ... [Read More]