10 Thanksgiving Stocking Ideas

Today I want to share one of our favorite holiday traditions … the Thanksgiving stocking!! Each year to kick off the actual Christmas season, we give Thanksgiving stockings. Given after the Thanksgiving meal is cleaned up and everyone is ready for a nap – except the children! – these stockings contain the most wonderful assortment of goodies.  We figured out early in our marriage that it is no fun to give Christmas ornaments and such on Christmas because you cannot enjoy them through the ... [Read More]

Visions of Autumn {Giveaway}

{Giveaway is now closed. Thanks to all who entered.}   The leaves ... the crisp air ... the clear skies.   The past few days have been absolutely gorgeous here in North Alabama.    We've enjoyed the vibrant colors of autumn after missing them for ten years while we were way down in South Georgia.   Yes, the leaves sometimes end up in corners and we find ourselves exhausted, weary, and in spiritual apathy.  But sometimes, it seems just the opposite.   The leaves fall and this season ... [Read More]

Leaves in Corners

These leaves, blown into the corner of the concrete steps that lead to our front door, they speak to me. Not a reminder of the need to rake (though that certainly is necessary) but of a weariness that often enters my soul this time of year.   As the sun shines fewer hours and the temperatures drop, the gold and crimson leaves begin to turn brown.   They fall to the ground, speckled with dots of infection, and they alternate wet from the autumnal rains and dried out, dying from being disconnected ... [Read More]

{Top Ten} Ways to Use a Silverware Caddy

Sometimes you get something and it's just too cool to use exclusively for its intended purpose.  Ya know?  That's how I feel about the Give Thanks Wooden Caddy I received recently from Dayspring.   It's absolutely gorgeous ... and so I decided to figure out some ways to use it beyond the obvious.   I did find quite a few! 1.  The Obvious image from www.dayspring.com 2.  A Cornucopia 3.  Candles 4.  Dish Rags 5.  Art Supplies 6.  Facecloths 7.  Flowers 8.  Bookend 9.  Remote Control ... [Read More]

A Prayer for the Orphans

Orphan Sunday. That the need for such a day even exists leaves my heart aching. But it does ... and we know this, God Himself is passionate about orphans! In fact, a measure of our own depth of love for Him and relationship with Him is our concern and involvement in orphan and widow care (James 1:27). The need is great, the opportunities are many. Across the globe and for most of us, across the street as well. A Prayer for the Orphans Lord, we are overwhelmed by the numbers and ... [Read More]

Relevant, Element, and Rest

It was amazing.   I cherish every moment of the time I spent with friends ... and learning, so much learning. Sure I learned about blogging basics with this incredible woman and listened as three amazing people shared their insights into blogging about big needs ... I was a wide-eyed listener as this couple taught on the business of blogging.   Joy reminded me how important community - local and bloggy - is.  Laura poured the sweetest blessing over me  - the majesty and glory of spending ... [Read More]