{I'm so glad he chose this one - it's definitely one of my favorites too. Working with the senior adults while we were in Georgia changed me in so many ways. If you don't spend time with these gray-haired saints, you should!!} This picture and post represent a decade of living on the coast of Georgia with so many memories of such good friends and times. I am very thankful for a friend, partner, and wife who is willing to share in ministry together. Scott ~~~~~~~~~~ (Our "Young at Heart" ... [Read More]
The Husband’s Favorites: Day 3 {On Praying for Him}
{What a gift to read Scott's words about why he chose this post as one of his favorites. And what a joy to pray for my husband every day.} Today I am thankful to have a wife that prays for me and not just praying for what she wants me to be. But instead, Teri Lynne faithfully prays Scripture for me to be shaped into the image of Christ. This post several years ago was a huge encouragement to me. ~ Scott Praying for Him For thirteen years I have had the honor of traveling life’s road ... [Read More]
The Husband’s Favorites: Day 2 {On Becoming}
{Day 2 of my husband's favorite posts ... this one is from WAAAAY back in the archives.} I enjoy things that are creative and that is one of my favorite things about the way Teri Lynne writes. I appreciate when she makes me look at or think about something in a different way. I loved the idea of "becoming" addressed here. The truth is, we are all becoming something. The question we should ask is, are we becoming the right thing? ~ Scott Are we become more Christ-like instead of more ... [Read More]
The Husband’s Favorites: Day 1 {on Forgiveness}
{So, in the midst of this bloggy break while I finish an exciting project, my husband suggested that he share some of his favorites from the archives of my blog. I thought that sounded fabulous and am reminded how thankful I am to have a supportive and encouraging husband on this writing journey. So, here it is, the first of Scott's favorite posts along with his commentary. Enjoy!} My wife writes most of the drama for our church and this is one of the pieces she did to accompany a series we ... [Read More]
5 Keys to Surviving Difficult Seasons
{The winners of Three Hearts film from Samaritan's Purse are Julie, Mindy, Roxie, Cyndie, and Kathy. I'll be emailing each of you with instructions for receiving your copy of this amazing DVD.} Ever have a season when you find yourself waiting for the next shoe to drop? When every time you think nothing else could possibly happen, you find out how wrong you were? When each storm seems worse than the one before? We've sort of been living there for the last few weeks. This isn't the ... [Read More]
Wholly Devoted?
One life, wholly devoted to God, is of more value to God than a hundred lives simply awakened by God's spirit. D. L. Moody Oh that I may be a "one" rather than one of "a hundred"! What quote or verse have you read or heard lately that is sticking to you? {Image Credit} ... [Read More]
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