I am not sure when I first connected with Carey Bailey but I remember thinking she had to be the sweetest person online. Her smile lights up my computer screen - even in tiny avatar form. Her tweets are filled with kindness and grace and her blog posts are among the most encouraging words on the internet. Look at this sweet face: Her "official" bio says this: Carey Bailey is a recovering perfectionist, wife, proud mama and Family Life director for her church in Surprise, Ariz. On the side ... [Read More]
Redeemed, Recovered … and a Giveaway
Redeemed. I love that word. It means "to recover by payment or other satisfaction." (dictionary.com) That's what we are, you know. Recovered ... covered by the payment of Christ's death for our sin. Sometimes I think we lose sight of the price paid for our lives, for our salvation, for our freedom. And, as women, I know we lose sight of how treasured, how beautiful, how precious we are in the sight of God. My favorite verses in all of Scripture come from Isaiah (which might just be my ... [Read More]
Nothing Is Beyond Redemption, Nothing.
The last month has been rough. I might have mentioned that a few times. The laundry hasn't always been done and I have felt like a bad mom. It's been easy to forget simple truths. But there's this song by Selah (I love them!) that keeps rolling through my head. I've shared it here before ... it's titled "Unredeemed." These words: Places where grace is, soon to be so amazing ... It may be unfulfilled, it may be unrestored, but when anything that's shattered is laid before the Lord, just ... [Read More]
For the Days You Want a Do Over
It's been happening a lot lately. I lie down, exhausted, and find myself unable to rest. My mind plays over and again the failures of the day just passed: Didn't fix breakfast for the girl before school Watched "Grey's Anatomy" instead of cleaning the kitchen Rewashed the clothes in the washer because they had sat there four days and smelled bad Got a shower just in time to pick up the girls from school Had no plan for supper Fussed at the girl for her messy room - while mine looked ... [Read More]
10 Words Mommas Need to Remember
It's a tough row to hoe, this momma-ing gig. Some days I just feel like throwing in the towel. You? {Please say you understand that feeling ... it took every ounce of bravery I have to admit it and I'm terrified that no one else knows how I feel. So, help a girl out and say that you've realized you are not always up to the task of raising these children God has given you.} I turned 40 this past October and while it was not as earth-shatttering to my ego as turning 20 was, I confess ... [Read More]
Choose, Don’t Compare or Compete
Never compare your life's journey with anyone else's. Your journey is your journey; not a competition. Unknown Far too often we waste our days comparing and competing. But what would happen if we chose instead? What if we chose prayer instead of Pinterest? Or family instead of Facebook? What if we chose success in our marriages over success in marketing? Or more parenting over more page views? What would happen if for one week we refused to listen to the enemy's scheming? If we stopped ... [Read More]
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