10 Things Your Pastor’s Wife Wants You to Know

10 THINGS YOUR PASTOR'S WIFE WANTS YOU TO KNOW Just some things I thought you might want to know ... Your pastor is just a man.  He will fail.  He will make some bad choices.  He will look back and see how he could have done things differently. He's her man.  So when you talk about him and his failings and shortcomings, it hurts her.  Not because she thinks he's perfect but because she loves him and knows how much it hurts him to know that he doesn't always shepherd well. Her kids ... [Read More]

One Amazing Summer: A Pleasing Aroma

It is a burnt offering, an offering made by fire, an aroma pleasing to the Lord.  Leviticus 1:9 Repeated eight times in the first three chapters of Leviticus, this idea of the offering as a pleasing aroma to the Lord captivates me.  Used first in Genesis 8:21 about Noah's sacrifice after exiting the ark and found again in Ephesians describing Christ's sacrifice: Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as ... [Read More]

One Amazing Summer: #B90Days Readings Week 3

Here are the readings for this week.   I'm still trying to divide my readings into three sections a day to help me stop and refocus throughout the day.  I confess though, it's been hard for me to do it this way.  For a list-making, check-it-off-it's-done sort of girl, not being able to mark through the days reading until right before bedtime even though I started first thing in the morning has been tough. But the slowing down and intentionally stopping to read each afternoon as well as ending my ... [Read More]

One Amazing Summer: Why I’m Reading #B90Days in 3 Sections a Day

So, we're one week in ... how is everyone doing?   Can you believe you've already read two books of the Bible this summer? A few people have asked me why I'm breaking the reading into three sections per day.  Basically, it boils down to this:  I need to have a  forced stop in my day.   I don't know about you but I get so busy and consumed with the various tasks at hand that it's not uncommon for me to read my Bible in the morning and then barely give it a thought the rest of the day. This ... [Read More]

16 Tips for Lifelong Marriage … In Honor of Our 16th Anniversary

Today marks 16 years since I became Mrs. Scott Underwood.  What a gift to marry my best friend and a man whom I deeply admire.   I've been thinking, as we've watched some marriages fall apart lately around us, what makes ours last.  And so, here are 16 tips to a life-long marriage. Remember the covenant ... this isn't just you and your husband, it's also between you and the Lord. Talk ... every day.  About something other than the kids and your finances.  Words build a relationship that ... [Read More]