One Amazing Summer: #B90Days Calendars

Hi all! I'll be on vacation this week with my family but I wanted to give you the links to the August and September reading calendars. August #B90Days Calendar September #B90Days Calendar Keep reading!  I'll be trying to get caught up while we are in the car!!   ... [Read More]

Beyond {Five Minute Friday}

Beyond my ability to understand ... Why I am far too often unmoved by the people who live with lack while I squander my abundance, that others are willing to die for a moment with fellow believers while we complain about how long our church services are, and that orphans languish around the world while we fill empty bedrooms with work-out equipment, craft supplies, and the toys that won't fit in our children's bedrooms. And yet, there are those who challenge me by their sacrifice to bring ... [Read More]

2 Incredible Parenting Books

Ever just been in a funk?  Yeah, me neither.  Ha! I've sort of been in a funk all summer.  I think it all started when the crazy hit around here in March and situations we could not control began having a profound impact on our home, our family, and our attitudes.  And it's really hot.  I mean record-breaking hot.  I am a very grumpy hot person.   At any rate, somehow all this heat and grumpiness and funk has resulted in very little patience and grace with my girl.  She's 12, you know, and ... [Read More]