#MustRead 31 Days SeriesAmy in Wanderland

This one is for all my book-loving friends!  Amy is a middle-school librarian with four children (including a 7th grade daughter like I have) so she is "in the know" on the topic of young adult fiction.  I'm excited about her series and can't wait to add to my list of books to read and share with my daughter. So, this week's All Things Bookish post is actually an invitation from me for you to join me at Amy's place this month for some fabulous book recommendations. Check out 31 Days of Young ... [Read More]

Fear or Courage

It happens every time.  At least it does to me.  As soon as I think I've finally checked something off my list, I notice where I failed or forgot. Last week was Parenting from the Overflow week.  I spent Monday through Wednesday frantically writing and formatting.  By Wednesday afternoon I finally was ready to send the preview copies to the launch team.  I wrote an email saying this was not the final formatting and it had not been reviewed by an editor but I wanted ... [Read More]

#MustRead 31 Days Series

Lazy, crazy, or cheating? I have no idea but last year there were so many incredible 31 Days series and I feel like I missed so many of them.  At Relevant (now Allume Social), I joked with Nester that I ought to do "31 Days of 31 Day Series You Missed While You Were Busy Writing Your Own 31 Days" series.   We laughed about it but somewhere in the back of my mind, the idea stuck. Then I got busy writing a book, co-authoring a book, and writing another book.  A 31 Days series of any kind ... [Read More]

Grasp Five Minute Friday

It wasn't pretty, not even a little bit.  The morning had been filled with nagging and whining and even some tears ... and that was just me.   My getting-so-close-to-thirteen-year-old had slammed doors and smarted off and was, at that very moment, shooting me a look that I was pretty sure indicated she'd rather be anywhere than near me.   If I'm totally honest, I felt the same way about her. This parenting gig:  it's way hard! I got home from dropping her off at the middle school and started ... [Read More]

A Mother’s Version of Philippians 4:12-13

The expanded version of Parenting from the Overflow is almost finished.  I am so excited to share with you one of my favorite parts of the book.  From the chapter titled "Overflowing Joy," I offer you a mother's version of Philippians 4:12-13. I know what it is to have children crying and whining, husband watching television loud enough to drown out the aforementioned crying and whining. And I know what it is to enjoy quietly preparing a meal for just my beloved man and me. And this is what ... [Read More]

New Believers Class, Suicide Attempts, and Snapshots of Grace

I'm teaching a new believers class at my church.  And I'm leading what I've begun calling a "Bible in 490 Days" group.   I have to admit, I am far more uncomfortable teaching the new believers class.  I feel woefully inadequate. I looked around the room and the only thought I had was, "Lord, I'm such a mess. What can I tell them? How do I encourage them? And what about the truth that this whole disciple thing is just hard?  What do I do with that?" It was 15 minutes past time to begin and I ... [Read More]