When God Draws Near: The Plan for Redemption

I have redeemed you.  I have called you by name.  You are mine. Isaiah 43:1 Redeemed.  Bought back.  In the busy-ness and business of this mad dash toward Christmas, we easily lose sight of the promise of redemption woven deep into the manger and stable.   Caught up in the messiness of our lives, the promise of something better than rules, SOMEONE called Redeemer, can get lost in the piles of gift lists and menus and more events than time. But there it is, this plan sprinkled throughout ... [Read More]

How Weird Is It to Review a Bible? Everyday Matters Bible for Women

Reviewing a Bible is just plain strange, y'all!  Far different from the normal book reviews I do where I am discussing content. :) A few weeks ago I received a new Bible in the mail. It's beautiful, isn't it?  I love the cover.  A lot.  But since that's not really the issue in reviewing a Bible, I'll just leave it at: this Bible is so pretty! The pupose of the Everyday Matters Bible for Women is simple: to help you use spiritual disciplines to make your everyday life fuller, richer and deeper ... [Read More]

When God Draws Near: Our Need for Redemption

Life is messy.  Dishes have to be done over and over.  Laundry keeps piling up.  Furniture needs dusting and floors need vacuuming. Babies need diapers and toddlers spill juice.  Children bicker and tweens roll eyes.  Spouses disagree.  Exhausted and worn thin from emotions spilled over and giving pieces of ourselves to everyone in our lives, we mommas find ourselves drained, empty. We cry out for help or sleep or both ... and we run on the inside from the demands and needs and pressures.  As ... [Read More]

On Gratitude

This month, we'll be a little more intentional about speaking (and writing) our gratitudes.  My prayer is that I will allow my gratitude to become my gr-attitude ... and that it will last long before the listing of thanks ends on Facebook status updates. Thank God! Call out His Name!  Tell the whole world who He is and what He's done! 1 Chronicles 16:34 MSG ... [Read More]

Roots Five Minute Friday

It's Friday so I'm writing off the cuff ... spending five minutes just pouring words on page and joining the community of writers who do the same each week. START We spent several years in South Georgia where there are, essentially, two kinds of trees:  live oaks and pines.   The pine trees grow tall but not always straight. They are bent and swayed by the winds common to coastal areas.  A casual drive around almost always reveals a few of the pines snapped and fallen. But those live ... [Read More]

When It’s All Good

I've mentioned before this Bible in 490 Days group I'm leading.  These ladies amaze me ... I mean continually astound me with their humility and graciousness, their wisdom and humor.  I love spending time each Wednesday with women who are excited about learning more about God through studying His Word. They challenge me and they inspire me.  I'm definitely better in every way because these women are a part of my life. I say that because sometimes we find ourselves in a good place.  Life is ... [Read More]