I don’t know about you but with all the social distancing and disruption in all my normal routines, I’m struggling to remember what day of the week it is most of the time.
But, one of the best things about all this lack of places to go has been time to do things I’ve wanted to do for the past several years. (Don’t get me wrong, our basement still isn’t cleaned up and I have lots of work to do in the yard to get it ready for spring, I’m not Wonder Woman. haha!)
I have, however, wanted to put together a Holy Week Reading Plan and this week I finally did it! I put together a reading plan using passages from the Old Testament and the Gospel of Luke. And, I also added readings from the other gospels for those who have a little more time.
Use this reading plan individually or with your family or another group. If you would like to share it with your church family, small group, or Bible study friends, please feel free to do that as well.
Stay safe, friends. I know we’re all in a strange season but I think it just might be exactly where we need to be this Easter to grasp the resurrection of Christ in a fuller way.
Teri Lynne
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