If you’re like me, goals and plans are a huge part of the beginning of every new year. There is something about turning the calendar to January that motivates us to think about where we are, where we’ve been, and where we’d like to go.
My word for this year is SMALL. If I’m honest, it’s not the word I wanted. But over and over again during the past few weeks God has brought this word to my attention. And so, here I sit, in January 2020, with a desire to embrace smallness. I don’t know all that will entail in the coming months but I am starting with evaluating all my activities and eliminating as much as I can the things that keep me from digging in deep with the people and ministries I love the most.
Every year, I make a list of all my commitments and obligations. Everything from my gym membership and Facebook groups I run to the speaking and teaching commitments and personal obligations gets written down. When I write all of those things down, it helps me get a better picture of how I’m spending my time and what that reveals about my priorities.
A few years ago I spent some time thinking about what I wanted to say yes and no to in the coming year. As I looked back over the past five or six years, I realized that exercise created a great foundation for me to stay on track with what matters most during the year.

Saying Yes and No in 2020
I feel like this year, with my focus on smallness, is a great time to not only make my list of all I’ve got going but also to develop a framework about what I will say yes and no to in 2020. I have a start to my list and thought I’d share it with you and it might help you make your own yes and no lists for 2020.
3 Things I’m Saying Yes to In 2020
Reading — I used to read over 100 books every year. But over the past three or four years that number has dwindled to less than 50. This year, I not only made a list of books I want to read, I also set aside specific time each week for reading.
Naps — Since we moved in 2018 my sleep habits have been very sporadic. I typically need 8 hours of sleep to function at my best and I’m getting between 5 and 6. Suffice it to say, the impacts of this have been evident in almost every area of my life. While I am making some health changes to help with this, I’m also giving myself permission to take a nap on the days when I get 5 or less hours of sleep.
Baking — I love to bake! I’m not headed toward any competitions but there is something deeply soothing to me about time in the kitchen making cakes, cookies, or breads. I’m setting aside time each week to bake and even try out some new recipes.
Those may not seem like huge things. But I am a big believer that small things done consistently can have significant impact in our lives.

3 Things I’m Saying No to in 2020
Social Media — I’m not giving up all my social media but I am refusing to let it have as much of my time. I’ll be keeping my phone in a different room during the day so I don’t compulsively pick it up. And I plan to be offline by 6 pm unless there is a specific reason not to be.
Other’s Expectations — As a people pleaser, I have a tendency to do things simply because someone expects me to do them. This year, I’m choosing not to let what someone else thinks or expects of me to determine how I spend my time.
Comparison — I have such a struggle with comparing myself to others. I have for my whole life. And I know this is an area where I need accountability so I have asked a friend to check in with me on this every week.
Making the decision to say no to behaviors and mindsets that keep us from the fullness of life Christ offers is important. And when we need others to help us make these difficult changes, we need to be willing to ask.
What will you say yes and no to in 2020? And why does answering these questions matter? Share on XSo, there you go … some things I’m saying yes and no to in 2020. What about you? What will you say yes and no to in the year ahead?
RESOURCE RECOMMENDATION: You may also want to check out my friend Sandra People’s podcast episode Six Questions to Ask at the End of the Year. I found it very helpful as I evaluated 2019 and considered what I desire for 2020.
Love this idea of saying yes to some things and no to others. This yes I am saying no to unnecessary guilt. To being a people pleaser. And to putting my life on hold because I won’t be there to help. I am saying yes to relaxing more. To writing more. To laughing more. Looking forward to more emails from you (The Full Life Club).
Ahh … people pleasing and unnecessary guilt. Yes … I am saying no to that too!! So glad you are enjoying the emails.
I’m going to try twitter cause I don’t know how. I’m saying yes to choosing. I’m choosing now more than ever to keep Christ in front, choosing to change as He asks, no matter the difficulty, choosing to be in His Word daily. Choosing no to constant busy ness and choosing yes to self care. Things happen when sickness takes over the family. So now with just my and my girl I choose Jesus to carry us through.
Love this! Thank you for sharing.