Dwell with me, Lord,
Dwell in me.
And give me grace
To dwell with Thee.
Open my eyes
To Your sweet birth
And to the hope
It brought to earth.
Grant me wisdom
To see Your face.
I’ll praise You daily
For Your grace.
Create in me a
Brand new heart,
Full of praise —
How great Thou art!
Grow my faith
That I may be
A fruitful branch
For all to see.
Forgive me, Lord,
For the ways I fail.
Hold me, Lord,
For I am frail.

You alone bring
Light to life.
On You alone
I set my eyes.
When darkness comes
And I am weak,
Your hand I’ll hold,
Your face I’ll seek.
Guide me now
Through all my days.
I need You, Lord,
To light the way.
My heart is heavy,
the weight too much,
Draw me near
I need Your touch.
The days ahead
I cannot know,
How I pray
My faith will grow.
When I look back
On where I’ve been,
I see Your hand
At every bend.
Though I’ve been
Stubborn, full of pride,
O, Lord, You’ve never
Left my side.
What grace it is
I cannot conceive,
That I am Yours
If I believe.
Though doubts may come
And fears assail,
You’ll never leave,
You never fail.
In stormy seas
With violent waves
Your voice rings out,
The winds obey.
You’ve called me Yours
And named me saint.
You hold me up
When I grow faint.
There is no sorrow
You do not know
So with my tears
To You I’ll go.
You made this world
And hold it still,
Teach me, O Lord, to
Trust Your will.
In the days when
Grief has come,
Help me remember
Over death You’ve won.
And when life’s chaos
Makes me feel small,
May I remember You
Hold it all.
The manger bids me
Come and see.
The cross reminds
You died for me.
The tomb sealed tight
By heavy stone
But death cannot hold
God’s only Son.
Dwell with me,
O Word-Made-Flesh,
I’ll dwell in Thee
And know Thy rest.
{For Advent 2019. Originally shared via Instagram stories.}
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