This woman loves the new HE READS TRUTH Bible!

I have long been a fan of the ministry of She Reads Truth. In fact, this morning, I went ahead and subscribed to their app so I could have access to all their reading plans.

When the She Reads Truth Bible was released, I eagerly bought a copy. But, I didn’t love it. It was presented as a study Bible and I found it woefully lacking. When your library includes the ESV and CSB Study Bibles among many others, the SRT Bible really had nothing new or unique to offer.

I used it, however, for almost a year both for my quiet time reading and as my church Bible. When the (in)courage Devotional Bible released, I received one from DaySpring (as I was a contributor) and began using it instead. Currently I use a basic CSB Bible with cross-references and footnotes for church.

So, all that to say, I’m pretty picky about Bibles in general and study Bibles in particular. I was interested in seeing if the He Reads Truth Bible was as resource-light as the She Reads Truth one.

I highly recommend the He Reads Truth BIble as a resource for men (and women). With great study information and utilizing the easy-to-understand CSB translation, this is a Bible anyone can use for Bible study and devotional reading.

To my delight, it definitely is not!! In fact, I wish the She Reads Truth Bible had the resources included in it’s male-focused counterpart.

For comparison, here are the resources contained in the each Bible:

She Reads Truth

  • 23 Maps
  • 12 Charts
  • 35 Timelines
  • 189 Devotionals
I highly recommend the He Reads Truth BIble as a resource for men (and women). With great study information and utilizing the easy-to-understand CSB translation, this is a Bible anyone can use for Bible study and devotional reading.

He Reads Truth Bible

  • 72 Charts
  • 3 Illustrations
  • 15 Infographics
  • 30 Lists
  • 21 Maps
  • 17 Timelines
  • 66 Outlines of each book.
I highly recommend the He Reads Truth BIble as a resource for men (and women). With great study information and utilizing the easy-to-understand CSB translation, this is a Bible anyone can use for Bible study and devotional reading.

Please note that some of the resource information contained in the SRT Bible may be adapted to a different format for the HRT edition. Nonetheless, excluding the devotionals, the HRT Bible has over 100 more pieces of study material than the SRT Bible.

Both Bibles contain:

  • Genre indications for each book (with explanations for each genre included in resource material listed above)
  • Key verses for each book as well as art of said verse. Some of the verses are the same in both Bibles, some are not.
  • Introductions to each book including cultural context, message & purpose, and biblical significance.
  • Each Bible provides a reading plan for each book. (The supplementary material for the SRT Bible here are the devotionals. For the HRT, outlines of each book are provided.
  • Both editions contain general margins to enable note taking, explanation of the translation method for the CSB (Christian Standard Bible), support material for how to read the Bible, and a thorough explanation of the Gospel.

If I were recommending an easy-to-use and understand Bible for a man who wasn’t looking for one as in-depth as the CSB Study Bible or as laser-focused as the Systematic Theology Bible, I would definitely suggest the He Reads Truth Bible.

I highly recommend the He Reads Truth BIble as a resource for men (and women). With great study information and utilizing the easy-to-understand CSB translation, this is a Bible anyone can use for Bible study and devotional reading.

In fact, when I was offered this Bible to review, my intention was to review and give to my husband for Father’s Day. But after looking through it and using it for even just a few days, I really want to keep it because it is a great resource for anyone’s library. 🙂

This Bible is currently 30% off at The green cloth over board edition is less than $30 which is a fantastic price.

EDITED: Giveaway has ended.

And I am honored to partner with LifeWay and Level 3 Media to give away one copy of the He Reads Truth Bible! Entering is super easy — just leave a comment on this post sharing what man in your life you would like to give this Bible to!

Easy peasy, right??

Seriously, friends, this is a very good study Bible and I love the CSB translation because it is both a solid translation and easy to read and understand.

I highly recommend the He Reads Truth BIble as a resource for men (and women). With great study information and utilizing the easy-to-understand CSB translation, this is a Bible anyone can use for Bible study and devotional reading.

What are you waiting for? Leave a comment today!

This giveaway will end Friday, June 21, at midnight CDT. Winner will be notified by email and Bible will be shipped directly to winner.


Teri Lynne

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. I’d love to gift this Bible to my husband. The only Bible he owns is the one from his confirmation as a child thank you for the opportunity to try to win a copy.

  2. My husband Has a lot of BIbles, being a pastor, but i can definitely see this being a great addition to his library!

  3. I would love to win this for my husband. His birthday is this summer, And this would be The perfect gIft for him! ❤️

  4. There is New christian man with a small family in our church i would love to gift this to! It would be perfect for his growing faith

  5. I was a l at this on the web f my husband. I LOVE ❤️ it as we & i wo l to win a copy for my hubby. He just started doing one on one bible study with our pastor, which is something i have been praying for, for several years!! Hallelujah god is so good ❤️

  6. I almost bought this Bible for my husband for Father’s day… But felt I shouldn’t spend this money right now (trying to be a wise steward)… What a blessing it would be to gift it to him!!

  7. I would love to give this Bible to my Hubby or let him aNd the 14 yeAr old son share it, until one of them gives It to the other. It really sounds like a great Bible for a variety of ages and stages. Thanks for sharing with us!

  8. I would like to give this bible to my 25 year old son. He struggles with His faith but has expressed he wanted to read the bible.

  9. I would love to give this to Our son for his 10th birthday. He loves looking through his bible and he would really eNjoy this one!

  10. I would love to have this Bible for my Husband and my son to be able to use in the morning Bible study they do. Thank you for offering this!

  11. I would give this to my huSband. And since it sounds great, it sounds like i would steal it for references For maps and such.

  12. I was looking into getting the She Reads Truth Bible and was pretty set on it but thought, last minute, to look into the He Reads Truth Bible and see the differences. I’m SO glad I stumbled on this article! It laid out very plainly the differences and I feel Teri’s own personal experience was helpful in deciding. Ultimately I purchased both beucause I just didn’t know what type of studying I wanted to do with this new (to me) translation. I must say, I’ve almost exclusively used my He Reads and only opened the She Reads a few times. Like she said, the He Reads digs deeper into the information, context, and outline of the passage – really focuses on understanding the Biblical truth of the passage, while the She reads focuses less on deep, Biblical understanding and more on an easy-to-apply, devotional, modern-day examples of the text lived out. Both versions have a mix of the other. But I’d say the He Reads is still really easy for personal devotions and life application but in a less “sentimental” way and more in an “information” way. Hope that makes sense and this helps. Again, huge thank you to the writer, Teri! This was invaluable in finding a good study Bible and I’m so happy I purchased what I did!

    • Sorry, more Thoughts… I guess what I’m saying is that, although there’s nothing wrong with the She Reads Bible, I liked how the He reads didn’t have other people’s thoughts or experiences in it as much, which can sometimes be good, but also cloud my distracting mind and make it wander. He reads focused mostly on God’s word and understanding the truth of it, plain and simple.

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