3 Great Reasons to Attend the ENJOY GOD’S WORD Conference

Y’all, I have the best news to share today.  If you have ever desired to know more about how study your Bible, how to engage in prayer, and how to strengthen your spiritual muscles, ENJOY GOD’S WORD online Bible conference is for you.

Today I’m sharing 3 of the reasons I believe every woman I know could benefit from getting a ticket to this event. It’s that good.

3 Great Reasons to Attend the ENJOY GOD’S WORD Online Bible Conference

I know, online conferences can seem strange to a lot of us, especially if you pretty much only use the internet for keeping up with people on Facebook. But, online conferences like ENJOY GOD’S WORD are one of my favorite uses for this technology that, if I’m honest, I really don’t even understand. (For real, how do I type these words on my computer, hit publish, and then you can read them on your phone? It baffles me!)

But before I even share about the conference, I need to give you a couple of disclaimers, ready?

  1. If you purchase through your ticket through any of the links on this page — by clicking on text or an image — I will receive a commission from those ticket sales. I am not being paid to teach at this event, the only way I will receive any remuneration for my preparation and teaching is through the tickets purchased directly through my affiliate links.
  2. My affiliate commission for this event is 50% of ticket sales. I want to be honest with you about that because I also want you to know exactly what we are using that money for. Scott and I have been invited to go to Israel this fall and support the Friends of Nazareth organization. While there, we will have the opportunity to encourage and support men and women who are pastoring, teaching, and serving in Jesus’ hometown of Nazareth. I will be sharing more about this opportunity tomorrow but it’s important to me that you understand every penny I make from this event will help us be able to serve in this capacity.
ENJOY GOD'S WORD online Bible conference for women || April 23-25, 2019 || bit.ly/EGW2019
Click this image to get your ticket right now!

So, let’s get to the bottom line about WHY you should get your ticket TODAY for this amazing event …

Looking for tools to study the Bible, pray with confidence, and  grow in spiritual disciplines, ENJOY GOD'S WORD is for you! Learn more about this online Bible conference and get your ticket today! bit.ly/EGW2019

Solid biblical teaching through Philippians

Katie Orr is one of my favorite Bible teachers. In fact, I so respect her ministry and handling of the Word that I’ve asked her to come to my local church to teach through Colossians with me for our REFRESH Bible Conference. Philippians is my favorite book of the Bible and I’ve memorized it (yes, the whole thing!), studied it, and taught through it several times myself. I can’t wait to dig into this incredible epistle with Katie during the six keynote sessions of ENJOY GOD’S WORD. It’s so important for us to hear excellent Bible exposition and I’m thrilled to be able to offer you this opportunity for solid biblical teaching through the book of Philippians. These six sessions alone are MORE than worth the price of your ticket.

Great breakout sessions to encourage your spiritual practices

The speaker list and breakout sessions for this year’s conference are UH-MAZE-ING! Here are a few I think you might find especially encouraging or useful:

  • The Comfort of God’s Word in Our Loneliness by Amy Hale. If you don’t follow Amy on Instagram, fix that immediately! She is one of the most genuine and encouraging people on the interwebs and she has a passion for helping women find their comfort and hope in God’s Word that I deeply admire. I always learn something from Amy and I know you will love her session.
  • From Bitter to Better by Kela Nellums. Speaking of encouraging, wow, y’all, Kela is the definition of that word! Seriously, you will be challenged and encouraged by her session … I know I need some reminders sometimes about what the Bible says about our bitterness and how to move beyond it into wholeness in the Lord.
  • How to Read God’s Word and Actually DO What It Says by Tricia Goyer. Tricia is a dear, dear friend and I deeply admire her willingness to obey the Lord in all ways. Her session will challenge all of us to get serious about moving from being hearers of the Word to be DOERS of the Word and I for one can’t wait!
  • Being a Gracious Witness in Today’s Culture by Kathy Howard. Kathy and I have known each other for a lot of years and served together as writers for a couple of websites. I’m thrilled with the wisdom and experience she brings to this conference. She’s been teaching the Bible and writing Bible studies and books for the past thirty years. I believe those of us who want to be good students of God’s Word and living the disciple’s life need to be deeply committed to learning from those who have walked out their faith for decades longer than we have.

So, that’s four of the over twenty sessions that will be included in this conference. You can learn more about all the others sessions and speakers here.

ENJOY GOD'S WORD online Bible conference for women || April 23-25, 2019 || bit.ly/EGW2019
Click this image to get your ticket right now!

Practical ideas and tools for engaging with the Scripture and other women

One of the things I love about Katie and all the session speakers I highlighted above is their hearts for making spiritual practices DOABLE. I think a lot of times we hear from people who fill us up with great teaching but never give us the tools we need to put it all into practice. ENJOY GOD’S WORD will be full of solid biblical teaching but will also give you deeply practical tools and resources for actually doing what you’ve learned and taking it into your own community.

I’m thrilled to have a brand new teaching session for this conference. It’s something I’m deeply passionate about and something I’ve been DOING for the past 20+ years in every church I’ve been a part of — multi-generational Bible study.

In our highly-segmented culture and churches, it is often difficult for women to engage with God’s Word in a multi-generational setting. But it’s so important!! I’ll be honest about the challenges and rewards of this type of study. We’ll explore both Old and New Testament passages encouraging interaction in God’s precepts across generational lines.  And we will identify specific actions women just like you can take to build this type of study practice into their lives.

I can’t say enough how much I believe ENJOY GOD’S WORD is an investment you need to make in your own spiritual growth for 2019. And you’ll be able to do it all in your pajamas at home. I mean, for real!

Are you ready to be challenged, inspired, and moved to a deeper level of relationship with the Lord and His Word? If so, you need a ticket to ENJOY GOD’S WORD.

ENJOY GOD'S WORD online Bible conference for women || April 23-25, 2019 || bit.ly/EGW2019
Click this image to get your ticket right now!

NOW is the time to buy — get your ticket through March 18 for the super early bird price of $42. This is a savings of $20 off the regular ticket price — a bargain for three days of teaching and the additional benefit of having lifetime access to every session so you can watch at your convenience as many times as you want. And if you buy your ticket today or tomorrow you will receive a $10 off coupon for Dayspring — which is one of my favorite places to shop online.

Bonus Resource Bundle Kit

PLUS, if you purchase your ticket through my affiliate link and then send me a copy of your receipt via email I will give you an additional BUNDLE of resources between now and the conference. These resources more than double the value of your ticket.

You’ll receive tools in the following three areas:

  • Pray with Confidence
  • Bible Study Resources
  • Building Community around the Word

I will be adding to this resource kit every week between now and the conference so each week you’ll get a new tool, idea, or resource to help you grow in one of those areas.

What are you waiting for? Get your ticket to ENJOY GOD’S WORD right now and begin getting your resources today!

ENJOY GOD'S WORD online Bible conference for women || April 23-25, 2019 || bit.ly/EGW2019
Click this image to get your ticket right now!

I can’t wait to share this experience with you!


Teri Lynne

P.S. Don’t forget to purchase through THIS LINK and send me a copy of your receipt so you can begin getting the BONUS resource kit. The first tool you will receive is from the Pray with Confidence portion —  18 Scripture-Based Prayers for Your Church

email receipt to teri {at} terilynneunderwood {dot} com

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


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