So last month I shared about a few things I’m loving … and, y’all, so many people responded to the post sharing what they were loving. It was so much fun! Even people at my church were talking about it.
It reminded me about how much I love community in any shape, form, or fashion. It’s amazing, isn’t it, how much we all long for a place to belong? I have much more to say on that topic so I think I’ll leave it for another post. But, as I shared last night in our women’s Bible study at church, we were created with a desire to belong — and that longing can only be filled by Christ.
But, when we throw open our arms and our hearts and our homes and even our online spaces, we create a small taste of the eternal belonging we find in Christ.
I mean, I know a list of some thing I’m loving doesn’t seem like much but it’s an invitation to connect and share and learn and encourage. And, in the end, it’s an opportunity to open up my life and my heart and invite you in. And that’s definitely something valuable and worthwhile, right?

What I’m Loving {February 2019}
So, let’s get to this list, right? I must start with something that has truly made me so happy. Our new cube storage for all the albums. Y’all, we have around 500 vinyl albums. Music and books are the two passions in our house. And we have never had a great way to both store and display the albums. Until now — we found cube storage to match our TV stand and I am dying with how much I love the way the records look. What do you think?

So maybe you saw on Instagram or Facebook about our flooded basement? I can’t even with all the rain we have had … but when it woke up my daughter and her friends as it poured into her room in the basement, let’s just say I appreciate my Stress Away oil at a whole new level. {I’d love to share more about this oil and all the other amazing products I’m using to help support our family’s health and wellness goals!}
Have you seen A Million Little Things on ABC? Oh my word. I sort of watched an episode or two earlier on Hulu but a couple of weekends ago Scott, Casiday, and I binge-watched the season so far and we are hooked. In fact, we have decided we like it better than This Is Us.
For Christmas Scott got me the ESV Scripture Journals (NT). And while I still haven’t actually written in any of them, I am loving the way they are laid out — blank pages for writing and beautiful inscriptions. I already asked for the OT journals for Mother’s Day.
So I’ve been studying Colossians for the past several months in preparation for our church’s first Women’s Bible Conference. It’s such a great book! Katie Orr and I will be teaching through it during REFRESH in just a couple of weeks.

And speaking of studying, I’m still in Exodus. We covered Exodus 2:11-25 last night in Bible study and it was so good. One thing I love about teaching in our church is that we have multi-generational women’s Bible study. So everyone from our college girls to our senior adult women gather together on Wednesday nights to open the Word together. It’s such a rich time of learning and growing. And it’s the inspiration behind my session at the (aff)Enjoy God’s Word conference. {Don’t worry — more on that conference coming Monday because EVERYONE can attend!!}

I’m writing this on a Thursday morning and thinking how much I love Thursday afternoons. Casiday is home — no classes and no work — and we’ve just sort of fallen into a pattern of spending the afternoon together. We don’t do anything special or have any set routine … we just hang out. And I love it!
So I am SUPER LATE to this one but I am LOVING The Lazy Genius podcast. Y’all, it’s so good. And she totally speaks my lopsided living language. If you are looking for a great podcast, I highly recommend The Lazy Genius. As she says, she’ll help you be a genius about the things that matter and lazy about the things that don’t.
I love my THIS MOM PRAYS mug! It’s such a fun reminder to me about the amazing girlmoms community I get to lead. And the best part is, you can get one of your own! Check out the THIS MOM PRAYS shop.
And, finally, my latest coffee drink of choice — the flat white. All I can say about it is — heavenly perfection.
Okay, so that’s my list of things I’m loving. And now it’s your turn —
Leave me a comment with something you are loving this month!
Teri Lynne
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