Have you heard the news? Jami Balmet and Katie Orr are co-hosting a brand new online Bible conference! ENJOY THE WORD is a unique and incredible opportunity for women to sit under some powerful Bible teaching and be encouraged in their spiritual walk.
Several months ago, Katie and I sat in a very crowded Puckett’s Grocery in downtown Nashville and talked about our dream of doing a Bible conference for women. As pastor’s wives, we know there are an abundance of preaching conferences available for men but there is a dearth of comparable opportunities for women to sit under multiple excellent Bible teachers in one event.
Katie has worked with Jami Balmet who knows how to orchestrate and execute online events with excellence to create a three-day conference driven entirely by a desire to offer women the opportunity to sit under solid Bible teachers and dig into Scripture.
I am both thrilled and humbled to be one of the speakers for this event but even if I wasn’t, I would be encouraging you to attend. Here are few reasons why:
1. Phenomenal Bible Teaching
Y’all, for real. This conference has some of the most incredible women who LOVE the Word of God speaking and teaching. And, each one is not just a lover of Scripture, she is also passionate about encouraging and equipping women to dig into the Bible for themselves.
2. Both Topical and Text-Driven Teaching
The sessions for this conference have been carefully selected to provide women with a great balance of both text-driven and topical teaching. You will have opportunities to dig deep into specific passages as well as learn what the Bible says about topics such as parenting and marriage. {I’ll be speaking on Lopsided Living and digging into Proverbs 31!}
3. Bible Study Methods and Techniques
Some sessions will focus on teaching specific methods and techniques of BIble study, equipping you to use what you learn in your own study.
4. Convenient and Accessible
One of the best parts about online events is the accessibility they provide. You don’t have to worry about travel, accommodations, meals, or what to wear. Can’t watch live? No worries, you will have lifetime access to the sessions!
5. Cost
This is HUGE! Y’all, last I attended a planning meeting for Beth Moore’s Living Proof Live event coming to Huntsville, Alabama, in September. The cost for tickets is $59-$79. I’m not saying that isn’t worth paying — but it’s a one-day event with one speaker. ENJOY THE WORD is a three-day event with twenty speakers and you can get your early bird ticket for $49.95. Even if you wait until the last minute to buy a ticket, the cost is $59.95. This is an incredible deal!
BONUS REASON to get your ticket — COMMUNITY!
There is a special Facebook group just for conference attendees where you can connect, ask questions, and be encouraged. Additionally, all the speakers will be available for questions after their sessions.
I am over the moon excited about this opportunity and I am 1000% convinced this is an opportunity you don’t want to miss. I’ve already blocked off those days to soak in the wisdom and teaching available. And I hope you will join me there as well!
Sign up right here!
Teri Lynne
P.S. As a speaker for this event, I will receive a commission from each ticket purchased through my links.
P.P.S Katie created a fun resource to go along with the ENJOY THE WORD conference. 5 Simple Ways to Enjoy the Word includes a PDF and teaching video as well as beautiful printables. You can get this free kit right now!
Hi is there a schedule of the sessions posted anywhere? I know attendees will have access to the recorded sessions forever but I’d like to know how much of the conference I’ll be able to view live if I purchase a ticket. I’d also like to talk to some friends about watching some sessions together. Thanks!
Hi Tara! The exact schedule is coming soon but I can tell you the sessions will go up throughout the day from about 9am-5pm EST during those three days. They will go up every other hour or so: 9am, 11am, 1pm, etc.
Teri Lynne