Let’s face it, some days, our right now lives are not at all what we had hoped, dreamed, or expected. In fact, your right now life may even be a little disappointing to you.
It happens. For most of us, we don’t stay in that place of disappointment or disillusionment. But I am just about 100% sure we all visit there from time to time.
That’s why I can’t wait to share some exciting news with you today!
Is Your Right Now Life a Little Disappointing?
Maybe you’re in the middle of one of those disappointing seasons. Or maybe the truth is, though you wouldn’t necessarily want most people to know, you’ve been feeling discontent with your life for a long, long time.
Can I whisper a secret to you? I totally understand.
In fact, the biggest struggle of my life has been finding contentment where I am right now — no matter what right now looks like.
That truth is one reason I think I’m always so drawn to the book of Philippians. Paul talks about being content in chapter four and what he says has challenged me time and again:
I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I find myself. (v. 11)
In fact, he says it again in verse 12:
I know both how to make do with little, and I know how to make do with a lot. In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of being content …
I have learned.
Paul had to learn to be content. Which means, it didn’t come naturally to him. And it doesn’t come naturally to most of us. We too have to learn.
I’ve been on this journey for the past, well, more years than I’d really care to admit. I’ve spent hours praying and studying and observing people in my life who seem content even when their right now is a little (or a lot!) disappointing. And I’ve discovered there are a few keys they all seem to have learned along the way, a few traits and truths I am learning myself.
Which leads me to my big news — my next online Bible study will begin February 28!
After teaching through James last summer and Ruth last fall, I’m excited to dig into Philippians for the next several weeks. And I’m even more excited to say that if you live anywhere near me, you can join me in person for this Bible study! I’ll be teaching on Wednesday nights at First Baptist Church, Florence, AL.
But if you aren’t local, don’t worry! We’ll be sharing the teaching on my Facebook page live as well. And if you can’t watch live, you can always watch the videos at another time. Be sure you’ve signed up to get all the handouts and listening guides for this study (and any others I do in the future). You can do that below.
Here are the details in a nutshell:
Pursuing Contentment:
6 Keys to Embracing Your Right Now Life
Wednesdays at 6 pm CST at First Baptist Church, Florence, AL
Beginning February 28, 2018 in the Chapel at FBC
And also streaming live on Teri Lynne Underwood’s Facebook page.
Sign up for handouts and listening guides:
I can’t wait to share what I’m learning with you!
I hope you’ll join me either at the church or via Facebook for this great new study of Philippians. I know you’ll be encouraged, even if your right now life is a little disappointing!
Teri Lynne
I would love the printouts, etc. I need this so much right now! Thank you sweet friend
You got it, girl! I’ll add you to the list!
Miss you! Let’s catch up soon!!