Recently I asked a question on my Facebook page —
When you see or hear the word ENTITLED, what is your first thought?
The answers weren’t too surprising. Spoiled, selfish, feeling of privilege. Others said someone who thinks something is owed to them. My friend Becky wrote this, “Expectation of privilege without gratitude.”
Which of course made me think about the sentence that rocked my world a few years ago,
I’m learning we can’t be grateful for something we feel entitled to, even if it’s as simple as a phone or other technology.
(Pete Wilson, Let Hope In: 4 Choices that Will Change Your Life Forever)
Entitlement and gratitude cannot coexist. And when we feel entitled we usually can’t recognize generosity either.
Our Generous God: A Study of Ruth
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about entitlement and gratitude and generosity. Specifically, I’ve been studying about the ways we feel entitled and how that causes us to miss the generosity of God.
I began to see this played out as I was studying the Minor Prophets. Over and over we see the Israelites disobeying God and confused by his discipline, believing their standing as his chosen people rendered them untouchable and entitled to his never-ending favor and blessing.
After we finished the summer Bible study on James, I had planned to teach through either Joel or Micah. {I’m realizing how many people have never actually read, much less studied, the Minor Prophets and I sort of feel like it’s become one of my life’s ambitions to change that as best I can.}
But I never had any peace as I studying and preparing. Time and again I found myself drawn back into a familiar story — Ruth.
More than a love story between Ruth and Boaz
As I spent some time in these familiar chapters, I asked God for fresh eyes. Sometimes I’ve read or heard or studied a passage of Scripture so much, I find myself gazing over the words and missing the message or any new insight God might have for me.
The more I read through Ruth’s story, the more I realized this is so much more than a love story between Ruth and Boaz.
It is that and it is also a story of loyalty and faithfulness. Woven throughout these 85 verses is the redemption story and a picture of Christ’s love for us. But this time, I recognized something I think I’d really never grasped before — the profound generosity of God.
Recognizing our generous God
I’m excited to share with you what I’ve been learning and how it’s impacted my life. Our study of Ruth, one I’ve titled Our Generous God, began on Monday, September 11. In addition, I’m offering a free study guide for you to spend some time of your own in Ruth. {You can download the study guide from this Google Drive folder.}
Teaching Videos
- the 5-day Study Method {introduction and explanation}
- Session 1 {overview and background}
- Session 2 {chapter 1}
- Session 3 {chapter 2}
- Session 4 {chapter 3}
Our Generous God is an opportunity for you to dig deep into a familiar passage and uncover valuable lessons and insights. I hope you’ll join me!
I'm joining the #OurGenerousGod study and you should too! Study Ruth with @terilynneu. Share on X
Solid Biblical Teaching to Fit Your Busy Schedule
During the James study, I received several emails from women who were thankful for the availability of an online study driven solely by the Word of God. A few of them were missionaries in other countries who did not have access to many Bible studies taught by others. They were deeply grateful for the opportunity to learn instead of lead. Others who emailed were teaching regularly in their own churches and recognized their own need to be taught as they continued to teach others. There were women whose work schedules or family situations preclude them from attending Bible studies in their own communities and churches.
I firmly believe the primary place you should receive biblical instruction in your local church. Only there can you actually connect with those who are teaching you day in and day out. Our ability to observe those who teach us is important and cannot be replicated online. However, there are seasons and situations when an online study can be our only avenue for growing or when we need a little more than what we are currently receiving at our church. That is why I am more than happy to share these studies online.
I do teach in our local church as well. I spent four and a half years teaching straight through the entire Bible — Genesis through Revelation — to the women in our congregation. Currently, my husband Scott and I lead and teach the college ministry.
I share that so you will know how important I believe the local church is! And, if you really want to get the most out of this study, I recommend inviting a few of your friends to do it with you. Watch the teaching, do the reading plan and homework, and meet together to discuss.
Sign up below to receive weekly notifications and encouragement as well as access to video replays, listening guides, reading plans, and homework. I also send additional notes and resources about the study periodically. And, once you sign up, you’ll be notified about any future online studies and have access to them as well.
Looking forward to studying with you!
Teri Lynne
I'm joining the #OurGenerousGod study and you should too! Study Ruth with @terilynneu. Share on X
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