When all you can see is what you lack

Yesterday was not a banner day for Teri Lynne.  In fact, it was whatever the opposite of a banner day would be.  I won’t go into all the details but let’s just say it was a perfect storm of lack of sleep, lack of clear focus, and lack of emotional control.  Basically, I was—as we say in the south—a hot mess. I am pretty sure I had every single emotion possible. {It is at this point, you probably start praying for my sweet husband who has to manage the hurricane of said emotions.}

This morning, as I was processing yesterday’s events and emotions, I realized something important—I focused on what was lacking.

Do you ever get that way? Only able to see what you lack?

With a scarcity mindset you can only see what you lack. But God has offered us abundance.  3 verses to help realign your heart with His truth.

When All You Can See Is What You Lack

Do you ever get stuck in that trap? It’s like tunnel vision and all you can see is everything you can’t do, don’t have, don’t know, and aren’t good at. And from there, it’s a downward spiral into “I’m worthless.”

Y’all, this is dangerous ground for us as believers!

Somehow we forget the generous nature of our God, the abundance we have in Him. And when we do, we live with a scarcity mindset. This is exactly where our enemy wants us to be—convinced somehow there is not enough for us, that we’ve missed our chance, that we can’t ever become useful to the kingdom.

Here’s the thing, though, it’s not true! Not even close.

God has offered us more—much more—abundantly more!

Maybe you’ve been struggling to figure out where you fit, what you’re supposed to do, or if you matter.  I get it. Really. The only antidote to this scarcity thought pattern is focusing on truth. Which means, digging into the Word!  Here are a few verses I often turn to when I need to realign my thoughts and emotions with truth.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,  and do not lean on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5

So often, I’m missing the truth because I’m trying to make sense of things based on what I know.  It’s important for us to trust God’s vision and view of life as superior to our own.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. John 10:10

When I begin to feel overwhelmed, inadequate, or unimportant, I also begin to feel jealousy, resentment, and even bitterness toward others. I let myself believe the lie that someone else has more which leaves less for me.  In Mockingjay, Haymitch tells Katniss to remember who the real enemy is. This verse from John tells me the same thing—my enemy is never the people around me!

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33

One of the best ways to reset my heart and mind is to focus on kingdom work not kingdom building.  What I mean by that is simple: when my top priority is to make His name known, I have less time and energy to focus on making my name known. And in the kingdom of God, there is no scarcity at all.

Maybe you, like me, simply need to be reminded that Jesus came to bring us over the top, overflowing, abundant life to the full.

Let’s walk in that truth together, mmkay?


Teri Lynne

Do you have a scarcity mindset? 3 verses to help realign your heart with God's truth. #LopsidedLiving Share on X

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We Have Abundance not Scarcity

We Were not Created for Enough

A Reminder for the Days We Feel Hopeless

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. Thanks for sharing your words and the Word 🙂 I was listening to a friend tell his testimony about falling from a tree and landing on his head and when he came to the doctors were telling him all the things wrong. He turned to his wife and said “Praise God!” Then he turned to the doctors and said “Don’t tell me what I don’t have – tell me what I have.” His words and his attitudes changed my focus – especially when you remember that it’s not even up to us. God’s got this!

    Have a blessed day
    Kathryn Lang recently posted…Quote of the Day – The Cave You Fear – April 11, 2017My Profile

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