Remember Your Why

Welcome to Day 30 of 31 Ways to Embrace Lopsided Living!

On Sundays we consider a verse and how God’s Word is a faithful guide for us as we pursue Lopsided Living. This is one that has come back to me time and again over the past month with all its hecticness and demands.

Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you … James 4:8

Remember your why!

Why do we choose #LopsidedLiving? Because we want to know the fullness of life Christ offers. We want Jesus.


Lopsided living isn’t about getting more done or having it all together or impressing anyone else. The purposeful pursuit of an unbalanced life is rooted in a desire to live in the abundance God has for us.


Because it only as we draw near to Him, as we abide in Him, that we find the peace and contentment in knowing He is near to us as well. We can have the full life He offers in spite of our overfull calendars because our strength is in Him not ourselves.

Why do we pursue Lopsided Living?

Because we long for more of Him in our every day. Because deep inside we know these things we do every day — the laundry and the lectures, the work and the rest, the people and the places — all of it isn’t just about checking things off our lists.  We do holy work right in the middle of our messy lives. And when we realize this, that the sacred and the secular collide in our every day, we know our why — JESUS, only Jesus.

Today, I challenge you —


Look back over the past month and see how you’ve seen Him at work in your heart, in your life, in your family.

Why do we choose #LopsidedLiving? Because we want to know the fullness of life Christ offers. We want Jesus. Share on X

Living lopsided,

Teri Lynne

Yesterday’s post: Grace is for everyone — even yourself

Coming tomorrow: You’ve got this!

Index to every post in this series here.


Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


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