When we lived in Georgia, I was honored to be a mentor to high school and college girls as well as several women. While the topics we discussed and Scriptures we studied were varied, there were always two disciplines I focused on with each person:
Daily Bible study and Scripture memorization.
I’ve written a lot about the value of a good quiet time but I haven’t written so much about memorizing the Word of God. I’m not sure why, except that it is hard for me. I can read and study all day long. I love to teach and share what I’ve learned. But memorizing Scripture is hard. But hard isn’t a reason not to do it.
Why does memorizing Scripture matter?
Over the years I’ve found there are three major benefits we receive when we are intentional about memorizing the Word of God.
Protection from Sin
I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. Psalm 119:11 ESV
You’re probably familiar with this verse — in fact, it might be one of the few you have actually memorized. But there is a deep truth in these simple words: When we fill our hearts with the Word of God, it provides a guardrail for us against sin. Those words in our hearts echo in our minds and become a protection for us against sin.
Provision for Speech
The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks. Luke 6:45 ESV emphasis added
All those words we’ve stored in our heart? They do more than just protect us, they provide us with the very words we speak to others. Paul wrote to the Ephesians, “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” {Ephesians 4:29 ESV} When we have filled our minds and hearts with the truth of God’s Word, we are able to speak that truth and encouragement into the lives of others.
Passion for Spiritual Growth
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2 ESV
It is only by the transformation of our mind, which comes through the Word of God, that we can mature in Christ. As His Word dwells in us, we are changed and better equipped to do the work of becoming more like Christ.
Now, I’m guessing you’d agree with me on everything I’ve written so far. But, I’m also guessing you’re like me and haven’t been as focused on memorizing the Word as you know you could {and should} be. And, I’d further hypothesize part of the reason has to do with not knowing where or how to start.
Which is exactly why I’m excited to share this with you:
My friend Carlie has created, Matters of the Heart, a 52-week plan for memorizing Scripture and it is FABULOUS. I cannot recommend Matters of the Heart strongly enough. The ebook offers all 52 verses, a whole year’s worth of Scripture memorization, and encouragement from Carlie’s heart for your journey. And she’s also created two companion products to provide even more support for you. {I am an affiliate for this product. It is a great resource and I’m thrilled to share it with you.}
The prayer and reflection journal is a great way to record the ways God uses your desire to memorize the Word to strengthen your faith and change your life.
And, for those of you, like me, who like to have something to hold, the printable 3×5 Scripture cards are both useful and beautiful.
Matters of the Heart just released this past Monday, August 1, and already the reviews are amazing. Women across the country and around the world are embracing the challenge of embedding God’s Word in their hearts. And, y’all, I truly believe this will be life-changing if you decide to do it!
And, honestly, while this investment in your spiritual life is huge, Carlie has made the pricing affordable so more women can participate. You can get the whole digital bundle {all three products mentioned above} for $25! Seriously, that’s less than 50 cents a week for the next year of spiritual growth. It’s a steal!
I am excited to share this product with you because I truly believe it can change your life forever! What are you waiting for? Go now and get yours … you’ll be so glad you did!
Teri Lynne
Want to share this challenge with others and invite them to join you? Imagine the changes in our homes, churches, community, and world if the women you know got serious about memorizing God’s Word?? Here’s an image you can use on Pinterest, Facebook, etc.
Hello Again Teri,
I hope you don’t mind another reply from your Senior Friend in Georgia.
I can tell you first hand how amazingly invaluable memorizing scripture is! As a new Christian at age 26 I had a heart to make up for years lost and purchased scripture memorization cards.
I placed them on the wall at my kitchen sink where I spent lots of time(back when we washed dishes by hand), and left each one till I truly knew I had it committed to memory.
When I finished, I was amazed at the fact that I really did not need to repeat the process.
I am now 63 yrs old and still have nearly perfect recall, word for word of those scriptures.
What a Blessing it is to carry Gods Word in our hearts.
This is a wonderful offer and I pray women everywhere will take advantage of it. It is much prettier than my little cards were.
They will be amazed how powerful that spoken verse will be during moments of their lives and the lives of others.
I have told many people, that if my Bible were ever taken away, I would be okay because I have his word written upon the tables of my heart.
Love and Blessings,
Linda Darlene
Linda, I love when you leave your insight and experiences! Such encouragement to all of us!!