What are your dreams and desires for 2016? I know, it probably feels like I’m rushing this post … and maybe I am a little bit. But I was thinking this morning how 2015 has flown by and I know these last few days of this year will be gone like a flash.
So I started a little list of dreams I have for next year. Just some hopes and plans I’m pondering and treasuring as I look at what I hope 2016 will bring.
A list of my dreams for 2016 ... what are yours? Share on XThese aren’t the big goals and resolutions we often talk about as a new year begins, instead these are more personal. Deeper hopes and desires I have for the year to come.
And I thought, just maybe, some of you might be looking at 2016 and wondering what those 366 days will bring and what you long to see happen in your heart and home and community. So, I decided I’d share mine and then maybe you would share yours … and we could all encourage each other and pray for each other. Sound like a plan?
Here are my 16 desires for 2016 …
- Choose joy. I’m reading a pre-release copy of this incredible book by Sara Frankl and Mary Carver … it’s wrecking me. Sara was homebound and illness-ridden for the last months of her life and yet her joy-filled words continue to inspire and challenge even as she has made her way to Heaven where joy is perfect and full. Joy has been my one word for 2015 … but somehow as much as I’ve learned, I’m realizing it is a continual process, a lifelong pursuit to choose this inexplicable joy we have in Christ that transcends our situations and circumstances.
- Connect with my neighbors. We live on a small street and two of the houses have been vacant for over a year. But both were recently purchased by music ministers in our town. That means on our little section of Green Avenue we have three ministers of music, a pastor, and a Hispanic family. I can’t wait to see what God is going to do as we reach out to our neighbors over the year to come. I’m seriously wanting to add a #TurquoiseTable to my yard this year … and just see how God opens the doors for true community and connection.
- Find a rhythm of work and rest. 2015 wasn’t my best year for routines and schedules. I never seemed to find a flow that worked consistently. As I look toward 2016, I’m focused on developing a synergy of work and rest which will allow me to do those things God has planned for me but also to partake in the rest and stillness He desires.
- Read more fiction. Over the past couple of years, I’ve increased the amount of fiction I’m reading and I’ve found it both challenging and inspiring. Reading fiction has helped me become a better storyteller and writer and I want to read more of it in 2016. {Feel free to share your book recommendations in the comments!}
- Write morning pages. I’ve always been a journaler. But I have never made it a practice to do morning pages. 2016 is the year I plan to start. The idea is simple, free write five pages before I do anything else. If for no other reason, I believe this will help me lay out all the feelings and frustrations and questions I have and begin to process through them.
- Invest more in teenage girls. I have one, as you know. But I want to be more intentional in teaching and mentoring these girls as they prepare for college and life. I’m not sure what that will look like but I know it will be a combination of organic relationships and also intentional time spent in the Word and prayer.
- Memorize more Scripture. I used to be diligent about Scripture memorization but over the past four years, that discipline has sort of disappeared from my life. In 2016 I am committed to reigniting that habit. {If you are interested in joining me in this endeavor, please leave a comment or email me.}
- Cook more. The past year has been full of busy weeks and that means we’ve eaten out more than we prefer. I want to be more of a planner in this area so I’ll be trying out more freezer meal preparations and other ways of making the most of my cooking time to create healthy and yummy meals for my family.
- Mentor. Since we moved back to Alabama I haven’t been as intentional about developing Titus 2 relationships. In 2016 I want to turn that around … both to be mentoring and to be mentored.
- Date nights. With all the craziness in our schedule, dates with Scott have not been as frequent … and we both know that needs to change. So, we’re going to be more committed to setting aside time to spend together just enjoying the friendship and love we share.
- One-on-one time with my girl. By this time next year, she’ll be halfway through her junior year of high school. Y’all, I can’t even. But I am ever aware of the scarcity of time with her in our home. Next year I want to be focused on one-on-one time with her … doing fun stuff, having conversations, and most of all, just being with her. She is an amazing person and I just want to make memories with her.
- Improve my teaching skills. I’ve been teaching Bible in churches for almost 20 years now. In 2016, I want to be focused on improving my teaching skills … I’m sure I’ll be taking some online classes and also listening to some great podcasts like this one from The Gospel Coalition.
- Build the Prayers for Girls community. Y’all, I have so many ideas and hopes for Prayers for Girls. And I believe God is going to use all these prayers to radically impact this generation of girls. I want to create a space for us to encourage, support, and challenge one another as we seek to pray God’s Word for the girls we love.
- Encourage women to fall in love with the Word of God. My deepest love is to teach the Bible. I love inviting others to dig deep into the treasures of Scripture … and in 2016 I want to focus more on that passion.
- Love others well. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in my crazy calendar I fail to reach out to others as I should. In 2016 my prayer is that I will truly love well.
- Abide in Him. Above all, and in order to do any of these other things, 2016 will need to be a year of abiding in Christ. My overriding desire is learn what it is to walk with Him faithfully, to be attuned to His whispers, and to be bold in obedience.
So there you have it, the 16 dreams I have for 2016. What are some of the dreams and plans you have for the coming year? How can I encourage you in them?
16 dreams and desires for 2016 ... have you thought about what you want the next year to look like? Share on Xxo,
Teri Lynne
P.S. I’d love for you to join the Prayers For Girls community. It’s not just for girl moms … we’ve got grandmothers, mothers-in-law, teachers, aunts, and even college-aged girls who are praying through the prayer calendar. Sign up today and receive your free prayer calendar and several other exclusive resources including 3 Reasons to Pray Scripture for Your Girl.
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