Welcome to day 27 of STAND OUT: 7 traits of a counter cultural life. You can find every post in this series indexed here.
Have you ever been disappointed? I know, right … of course. We have all experienced those moments when something we expected didn’t happen or, sometimes even worse, it didn’t happen the way we had planned or desired.
This week I received the “official” notification that another book proposal has been rejected by a publisher. I knew it was coming but it stung anyway. Disappointment.
My daughter didn’t make the Varsity cheer squad at tryouts this past spring. She’s cheering JV for a second year. Disappointment.
An event Scott had planned and worked to produce for several months didn’t have the attendance he’d expected. Disappointment.
Let’s face it, people and circumstances will often leave us disappointed. But, as believers, we can have confidence that even when the things of this world are not what we desire, hope does not disappoint.
And hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us. Romans 5:5 NASB, emphasis added
Hope does not disappoint.
Why? “Because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
Paul wrote it another way in his letter to the church at Corinth:
So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13 ESV
In Christ, we have faith, hope, and love. And love reigns supreme. Because of God’s great love for us {John 3:16}, we have hope. And our hope has a name: Jesus Christ. The very God who wrapped Himself in flesh and “moved into the neighborhood” {John 1:14 MSG} is our hope.
Casiday has always struggled with fear in so many ways. One of the first I ever prayed over her was Psalm 56:3
When I am afraid,
I put my trust in you.
She was two and terrified of being alone in her room at night.
Since then, she has continued to battle fear in almost every area of her life. It is heartbreaking for me because I see how the enemy can twist almost any situation in her life and leave her afraid. A few months ago, when she was dealing with a far more substantial fear than being alone in the dark, I laid down with her and prayed over her, Scripture after Scripture about the power and strength and hope we have in the Lord.
After I prayed, I reminded her of her name.
Casiday HOPE.
I reminded her that as a believer, she always had hope. Not wishful thinking but the true hope of Christ: A confident expectation He will do what He promises. When God says He has given her a spirit of power not of fear {2 Timothy 1:17}, it is true and she can place her hope in that promise. God will not disappoint, He can’t.
Through her tears, she nodded her head but I could see she needed more. I hugged her close and prayed for wisdom {James 1:5}. In that moment, the Lord showed me something I had never before seen and I said this to my daughter, “Casiday, when you are afraid, just write your name. In your name is a promise from God. Just write HOPE.”
Hope does not disappoint.
So, when the fear and insecurity and exhaustion leave you wondering if God sees you or hears you or even knows your name, just write HOPE. Let it remind you of His promises of protection and provision. See in those four letters the truth of His love for you and of His unfailing kindness. Lean into hope, my friend, because there is freedom and peace in that little word.
Hope does not disappoint.
Teri Lynne
Dear Teri,
I am so glad to have found you during this write31days. I follow and I listen to your words. When I became a Christian at 26, the Lord led me to a small Baptist Church in California. The pastor’s wife became my best friend and example. She is with our Lord now but I see so much of her in you.
I am finishing my first year writing here with my story of salvation. Would you take a look please, at how I found the Lord. Your input would be precious to me! I miss Lynette but I have found you.
Your writing that was turned down is merely a sign of the state of our world during these last days. Hold on to your hopeful ❤. Rewards could be minutes away.
Ms Linda Darlene
Linda, I will be glad to peek at your writing. I am headed out of town for the weekend but will head over to your site next week. Thank you for your encouragement. What a gift on this brisk Friday morning.
Thank you Teri for your reply. I know you have so many followers, I am but one. When you replied, tears welled up in my eyes. I am home cooking and will pray for you as you travel.
Ms Linda Darlene