How is August over?? Y’all … it is crazy! Tonight is my girl will cheer at the first JV football game of the season. The best part of the end of August is that it brings me to my favorite time of the year — COLLEGE FOOTBALL SEASON!! I can’t wait to watch Auburn play Louisville on Saturday.
Most months I try to join the lovely Emily as she invites us all to share what we learned. For those of you who just like pictures, here is my month in images:
And here is some explanation and more random facts I gained over the past month …
The people in my house are geniuses! Apparently sarcastic people are more intelligent. Since everyone here in the Underwood Abode is fluent in the language, it would reason we are all brilliant, right?
I will probably never love exercise. I’ve been exercising regularly since the beginning of this year and, contrary to all the happy runners, Pi-Yoers, and HITTers in my Facebook feed, exercise neither energizes me nor makes me happier. I go to the gym because I had a heart attack and I have a bossy friend who makes me. 🙂 I don’t love it … in fact, most of the time I hate it. {Please, please, please don’t tell me if I would just try “x” or “y” or whatever I’d fall in love … trust me, I hate sweating so that pretty much means no form of exercise is going to be awesome to me. I’m okay with that and I really need you to be okay with that too. Mmkay, thanks.}
Related to the above, doing things I don’t love is good for me. I’ve realized over the past few months how I tend to avoid doing things I don’t like. But the discipline of exercising every day has reminded me how important it is to do the stuff that needs to be done even when I don’t enjoy it.
Doing ministry in my community is one of my favorite things! Every week a group of students from our community heads to a local park and plays with the kids who live in the housing nearby. They go door-to-door inviting the kids to join the fun and hear a Bible story and have a snack. They’ve been doing this for a couple of years on Monday nights. A few weeks ago, they invited me to be one of the teachers for a women’s Bible study they wanted to start for the moms while the kids were having their Bible time. I immediately said yes and was happy to lead the first session. If you don’t participate in any local ministries, you should. It will change you in the most beautiful ways. Also, you might get to play with some fun kids and take goofy pictures like this one:
Having my daughter drive me around is equal parts scary, heartbreaking, and exciting. If you haven’t ever ridden with a brand new driver, trust me, it’s a little bit frightening and I’m finding the brake on the passenger side of the car doesn’t help much. 🙂 As for the heartbreaking and exciting parts of the equation, I suppose that is the way of motherhood, isn’t it? With every season we know the ache of the passing of time and the brevity of the moments we have with them in our homes but we also are thrilled and excited to see the ways they are growing and becoming the most incredible people. So, what else can we do but pray?
And watching my girl on television is pretty cool!! One of the television stations featured our fall jamboree as their Featured Friday game … so my girl got to cheer on television. Here’s a little clip Scott recorded from his phone while they were on TV {for those who are not fluent in North Alabamian dialect, they are saying R-U-S-S-E-L-L-V-I-L-L-E, Russellville, Russellville, Russellville, Hey!} —
So, that’s a little wrap-up of what I learned this month. I’m joining the sweet community over at Emily Freeman’s place to share all these nuggets … you should check it out. {And, if you haven’t yet, I’d highly recommend getting your copy of Emily’s new book, Simply Tuesday. I wrote about how much I appreciated it’s message a couple of weeks ago when it released.}
Teri Lynne
What did you learn in August?
P.S. Here the posts I wrote this month, in case you missed any of them:
Hi from your next door neighbor at Emily’s! I love your collages, Teri …
And believe it or not my end-of-the-month-post talks about an exercise we ALL can do sitting right here at our desks. And it works.
I’m happy not to have to get up from my chair to tighten the ol’ stomach muscles …
Linda Stoll recently posted…A Dog Days Month Digest
Hi Linda! Thank you for stopping by. I’ll have to check out your post.
Wonderful photo collage…and I love what Linda said about how we don’t need to exercise to write our monthly list 🙂 We’re not that far away from having a teen driving if I add the years…yikes!
Thank you … August was a fun month, even if it was pretty busy.
Amen on the exercise! I hate it. I do it because my 42 yr old husband died of a heart attack two years ago. But the number of things friends have gotten me to do with them has only been made ok by doing it WITH someone. I’m a social butterfly and as long as no one of those skinny girls who make it look easy judges, then I can exercise with them. 😉 Keep going!
So glad I am not alone on the exercise hating! The only reason I keep going is because of my bossy friend. {She knows I call her that so it’s okay. Ha!} And I am so sorry about your husband.
I don’t thing I will ever LOVE exercise either so you are not alone.
Haha! We need t-shirts!!! 🙂