Recently after yet another “lively discussion” with my girl, I sat on the couch and cried.
Because life is hard.
It just is. And I somehow convince myself that means I am doing something wrong. Because surely if I were doing it right, there wouldn’t be so much struggle and frustration.
So there I sat with all my tears and doubts and fears and I remembered some words my friend Stacey wrote a few years ago …
I’ve pretty much fallen short in every category. I am tired and not really good for much right now. The trouble is, Lord, that I need to be amazing and I’m fresh out of amazing. At least it sure feels that way.
Lord, I’m dry. Empty. Hit the wall. I got nothing.
I just thought I’d let you know. But then again, You already do.
I reread the whole post because I needed to be reminded this life isn’t going to be easy. Living in a broken, fallen, sinful world is hard.
During His last night with the disciples Jesus spoke to them about the hard days ahead,
In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world. John 16:33
We’re going to have hard days, hard seasons. Honestly, life is just going to be hard. Like Stacey, we’re going to have days when we are fresh out of amazing. In fact, there are going to be days when we are fresh out of anything.
The thing is, what I think God wants us to know is — we are really always that way. We are always in desperate need for Him. Always. We just don’t typically recognize it until we’ve hit rock bottom.
During that conversation with my girl I was sharing some of the ways I continue to struggle with sin and how I totally understand Paul’s words in Romans 7:
For I know nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh …
If it’s good, it’s Jesus. Period. I love “The Only Thing” by Ronnie Freeman. The chorus is just pure truth for me,
The only thing that’s good in me is Jesus
The only thing that’s good in me is Jesus
I’ve lived long enough to know no matter what this life may show
The only thing that’s good in me is Jesus
Listen to the song and to his brief testimony before he sings … it will be an encouragement, I promise.
Above I shared the second part of John 16:33. Where Jesus tells us it’s going to be hard but assures us He has already overcome it all on our behalf. But when we’re in the middle of the struggle, when the heartache is overwhelming, when the circumstances are bleak and we feel lonely and afraid, it’s the first part of that verse we need:
I have said these things to you that in me you may have peace.
He gives us peace. Not the world’s peace which is simply absence of conflict {and y’all, I’d be lying if I didn’t admit sometimes with a teenager I’d truly be satisfied with that, just a day of no conflict!} … Jesus offers us something more, something greater, something real that can carry us through the hardest days this life will bring—
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. John 14:27
Paul elaborates on that peace,
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7
When life is hard, we lean into Him, into the peace He gives. It’s a peace we can’t understand but it guards and protects us.
So, maybe you’re exhausted and frustrated and ready to give up. Maybe you can’t go another step, have another argument. Maybe your situation is harder than you ever dreamed.
I get it. Really.
But here’s the thing, we don’t have to do it! We can be empty and desperate … and that’s where He meets us. We can be like the prodigal coming home with nothing but pig slop on our sandals and our Father runs to meet us right there. In the mess, in the desperation, in the hard. He’s there … offering us peace.
Today, I’d love to pray for you. You don’t have to leave any details about your situation, just leave a comment with the word “prayer” and it will be my privilege to intercede, to seek God’s peace for you, to pray His wisdom for you, to come alongside you in the middle of your hard.
Teri Lynne
P.S. If Stacey’s words resonated with you like they do with me, you’ll be happy to know she’s writing a book, Fresh Out of Amazing. I can’t wait.
Thank you for this…this season of my life is the hardest that I have ever had. If it weren’t for my Faith in God & knowing he is holding me in the palm of His hand, I don’t know how I would handle it. Every day I see my Mom’s health decline…Every night when we go to bed, I wonder if that will be the last time we speak. My Mom is my very best friend in this world. I know that she is ready to start her eternal journey & that gives me peace. I do not want to see her suffer & I know with the probable diagnosis we have been given that it is possible that she will…it a day to day journey. I am thankful for each day that we have & try to make them days of joy and to remind her that she is also in God’s hand. Thank you for being there for us & thank you especially for your prayers. We love you.
You are carrying this load with such grace. I know the days are exhausting in every possible way … but you have let others come alongside you in the ways we can and that is a gift to us. I am thankful for your example of steadfast love.
I would love your prayers – I have a lot of conflict with one of my children. I love her so much, but just don’t know what to do. In addition, both my kids are leaving for college next week – one is a sophomore, the other a freshman. This makes me & my husband empty nesters for the first time. I am trying to trust the Lord, but I don’t think I’m doing a very good job of it.
Praying for you and your daughter this morning, Jenny. For wisdom and grace … but also for peace in your spirit. Your family is going through a difficult season and transitions always bring their own brand of hard. Praying you will be able to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” It’s hard to do … but you can rest in His faithfulness.
Teri Lynne
I just need prayer due to a lot of conflict with me husband. It’s been this way for a long time and I’m tired. Thank you for your site and for the prayers. I think I just have a lot of worry and anxiousness but I know He answers prayers.. It just seems like such a long season of conflict.
Christine, I am so sorry. Conflict is wearying but conflict within our marriages is especially so. I will be praying for you and your marriage. ((hug))