31 Verses to Pray for Your Marriage {Genesis 2:24}

Therefore, a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

Genesis 2:24

In a world where everything is disposable and relationships are freely tossed to the side when they stop feeling right or meeting needs, it’s easy to forget what God said about marriage. It’s easy to lose sight of how sacred the relationship between husband and wife is.

God offers us this unique and beautiful experience of holding fast to one another … the opportunity to become one flesh.

This isn’t just a euphemism for sexual relations. It’s deeper and richer and more. It’s a shared heart and mind, a connection forged through commitment, experiences, and longevity.

It’s easy in the middle of our busy lives to forget how precious this becoming one flesh is. Let us be mindful to thank the Lord regularly for this beautiful gift.

31 Verses to Pray for Your Marriage — Genesis 2:24

Lord, as the day begins and as it ends and in all the moments between, I pray You will remind me of the beauty of being one flesh, of holding fast to one another in our marriage.  Draw us ever closer to one another and, even more, draw us continually nearer to You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

31 Verses to Pray for Your Marriage index

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. Truly I am being blessed by this devotion. Decided to pray for my husband along with another woman of God who is also married. Together we are praying for our guys and encouraging one another. Also, the Holy Spirit used your blog to inspire me to write on my blog agin. To share what God is doing in my heart to share with others. To God be the GLORY! Thank you

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