{31 Verses to Pray for Your Girl} 1 Timothy 4:8

Welcome to Day 24 of 31 Verses to Pray for Your Girl!

Can you believe we are nearing the end of this month’s journey together? I do hope you have been encouraged and will continue to pray Scripture for your girl after this challenge ends.

So many of our prayers have centered around our girl’s hearts. Today’s is no exception. My overarching prayer and desire for my daughter is that she would pursue godliness. The world gives our girls so many false messages — focusing on their appearance, their relationships, and their accomplishments.

Lynn Cowell‘s latest book is Magnetic: Becoming the Girl He Wants. It is the most incredible book for girls dealing with questions like, “What does she have that I haven’t got?” and “Why doesn’t he ask me out?” Through solid teaching on the fruit of the Spirit, Lynn challenges teenage girls to change their focus from that guy at school to the the Lord and, in doing so, become a magnetic young women God intends them to be.

Magnetic by Lynn Cowell {must read for teenage girls and their moms!}

I loved reading this book and can’t wait to give it to my daughter. It has fun quizzes, interviews with real guys, and lots of practical tools. If you have a  daughter age 12 to 20 — this is a book she needs to read! {And you need to read it too … so much wisdom here and insight about the modern culture.}

Lynn has three children (two of them are girls) and has been married for 25 years. I met her at She Speaks this past summer and she is passionate about giving girls the truth as she encourages them to pursue God with abandon.

I’ve tried not to weigh this series down with lots of commentary … because I truly believe in the power of praying God’s Word on behalf of our girls. But I couldn’t miss this opportunity to share with you a fabulous resource.  If you’ve been praying these prayers, this book is one I know you will find valuable for your girl.  I’m very excited to be able to give TWO COPIES away! 

Packed with honesty, encouragement and perspective-changing truth Magnetic by Lynn Cowell (available at Amazon, B&N, CBD, everywhere books are sold), will empower girls and young woman to reach their fullest potential by focusing on becoming who God made them to be! A girl who reflects God’s love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. A girl who will attract the right type of guy one day: one who loves God with all his heart and who will cherish her!

In order to enter, please leave a comment on this post … and also share it so others can know about this amazing resource as well!!

And now, here is today’s prayer based on one of my favorite verses from Paul’s letters to Timothy.

31 Verses to Pray for Your Girl ... 1 Timothy 4:8 ... #PrayersforGirls


For while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.

1 Timothy 4:8


I pray my girl will pursue godliness for her whole life, trusting in the promise of blessing He offers for those who seek Him.


 #PrayersforGirls based on 1 Timothy 4:8 ... TeriLynneUnderwood.com

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Don’t forget to leave a comment to be entered in the giveaway for Magnetic! And if you want more information the book or where to purchase, check out Lynn’s website!

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. Oh!!! My girl needs to read this book! She grows stronger every day in her conviction to being true to who she is in Christ but MAN I would love for her to be validated by this!

    Love you!!

  2. I would love to get Lynn’s newest book. Always comparing ourself to the world and would love for my girls to know who they are in Christ more!

  3. I would love to read this book and pass it on to my 17 year old daughter. We are going through a tough time right now, and this blog series has been SO encouraging! Thank you Teri!

  4. “The world gives our girls so many false messages — focusing on their appearance, their relationships, and their accomplishments.” — I just had a heart-to-heart conversation with my girl about this topic the other day. I hope & pray what we talked about sticks with her! Thank you for this series!

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