When You Don’t Know the Next Step

when you don't know the next step

In case you hadn’t noticed, I haven’t been writing as much lately. I’d love to tell you it’s because I’ve been doing all sorts of awesome things but really it’s because I’ve been in a bit of a funk. I’m still adjusting to all this medicine and making decisions about what the next steps are in my post-heart-attack journey.

I do want to share more about this experience and what I’m learning … but honestly, it’s still too fresh. The Lord had already brought me to a place of stillness and quiet before April 27 and now He is gently leading me to the next place He has for me. The thing is, He hasn’t exactly shown me that next place. One step at a time, He is revealing Himself to me and I’d like to hurry up the journey but I know His pace is best.

In the meantime, I’m reminded of some wise words I once heard, “When you don’t know the next step, keep doing the last thing you know the Lord told you to do.”

So …  I’m finishing up my talks for She Speaks {three sessions!} and I’m working on a site redesign and a couple of other big projects I’ll share with you soon. But I wanted to take a moment to say thank you for all your prayers and words of encouragement. One of the sweetest gifts I’ve counted during these past few weeks is the wide circle of friends God has given me, both online and off.  You are part of that circle and I am thankful beyond words for the way God has used you in my life.

June will be a busy month for this cheerleader’s mom … we’re headed to cheer camp for a week then straight to a wedding and then a week of youth camp. I’m sure I’ll be brain dead by the time we get home.  But since I’ve been writing less, I’ve been reading more so you can expect to hear about some of the great books I’ve read — fiction and nonfiction — here on the blog in June. And if you want to make sure to keep up with all the chaos in my life, you should definitely be following me on Instagram. {Though there will be a lack of #buddythebasset photos since I won’t be home.}

And since a picture is worth a thousand words, here are a few of the images of my life from the past month.

snapshots of life

Thanks for being here, friends! It means so much to me!!


Teri Lynne

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. I am so glad you are doing better. God bless you. Just take things one step at a time and enjoy that beautiful family God has given you. A long time ago. when my kids were toddlers –all three at the same time– I was bemoaning my lack of time to give my all to visiting for our church, etc. A dear friend reminded me that God had given me a ministry with my family. I was the example my kids saw everyday, their teacher, their comforter, and all those things a mother does. Daddy could not be there everyday, but I could. I am so thankful we chose that rode as a family. I would never trade the moments of being with them. Love and Prayers, Deborah

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