It’s cheerleader tryout week. Which, for most all of you, means absolutely nothing. But here at the Underwood Abode it means 6 or 7 hours of cheer clinics and practices after school every day until Friday. Which means all our relatively normal routines are tossed out the window! 🙂

Buddy the Basset became Buddy the Cheer Dog last year when our girl made cheerleader! He looks super excited, huh?
It would be really easy for me to wish this week gone. To be annoyed with all the extra “stuff” on the schedule. But I’m choosing something different.
I choose to be present.
Remember a few months ago when I read Let Hope In {a fabulous book I truly believe everyone should read!}? One of the most challenging concepts Pete introduced in the book was the idea of being here. Choosing to be present in the moment we are in right now. Here’s what he wrote:
Our challenge is to be here now. Sometimes we are never where we are. We bypass the joy of today when we center all our focus on yesterday or tomorrow. {129, 130}
This — “We bypass the joy of today when we center all our focus on yesterday or tomorrow.” I don’t want to live like that.
So, this week, with all the extra driving, eating on the go, and excitement/stress of tryout week, I’ve determined to be present … to embrace each moment and celebrate what each day brings.
I imagine it will be a challenge sometimes … but all the best things life offers bring a little challenge.
I’m sharing more about this choice to be present on Not Quite Amish. I’d love for you to pop over there and join me!
Cheering you on,
Is it hard for you to be present? What have you missed because you were thinking about yesterday or tomorrow instead of embracing today?
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