28 Days, 28 Ways: Surprise Him!

I’m so glad you are joining me for 28 Days, 28 Ways: Investing in Your Marriage. I know we’ll all be blessed and encouraged as we seek to invest in our marriages. You can find each post indexed here.

28 Days 28 Ways: Investing In Your Marriage || TeriLynneUnderwood.com

Can you believe February is almost over? I keep looking at the calendar and finding myself shocked at how quickly this month has flown by. It’s been a busy one here at the Underwood Abode … I’ve spoken at two events, we hosted D Now, three snow days, Terrific Tuesdays at church, and last nigh was the cheerleading tryout meeting.  Oh and my girl turned 14!

I’ve been thinking about all I’ve learned this month … and, my oh my, have there been some lessons. I’m sure I’ll be sharing more about them over the next few weeks. But here is the biggest: being intentional about marriage is like putting a bullseye on yourself! The enemy has been all over me all month long. I think Scott and I have had more disagreements and misunderstandings in the past four weeks than we had in the previous six months. Not only that, but I found out when you write about marriage — even with a measure of lightheartedness — people get really upset, really fast.  I’ve lost more subscribers this month that I had the first three years I was blogging!

It’s been rough, y’all! But I have also been so encouraged by the way people have responded favorably to this series … sweet comments on the posts, shares on Facebook, and the kindest words from people I know in real life who have been challenged and inspired by these little ideas.

I guess the truth is, I’ve been totally surprised by all of it. When I first started writing out ideas, I intended to write short posts with just a quick suggestion. {Obviously that isn’t what happened!} I never dreamed this series would resonate with so many women nor did I think it would elicit such strong negative reaction from others. I never could have predicted how much the idea of helping your husband would offend people!

Sometimes the turns life takes surprise us. And I’m not really big on surprises, to be honest. I like to know what’s coming next. But this month has shown me to embrace the surprises life offers and to look for the ways God is working in me, even through the not-so-awesome surprises.

do something unexpected! surprise him!! || Teri Lynne Underwood

Which leads me to today’s idea:

Surprise him!

Just do something he isn’t expecting.  I’ve got to admit, the best surprise I could give Scott these days is having the laundry folded and put away. {Seriously.} Enjoy the moment of unexpectedness.

Now, tell me, do you like surprises or not?

Cheering you on,

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  1. Good morning!! Let me be one to say thank you for your obedience to blog about marriage!! It is hard for me to understand how people whether married or single can get upset about your wonderful perspective on our relationships with our husbands… After all, marriage was God’s idea and plan from the very beginning!! Keep it up… We all need to be encouraged to keep pursuing God’s best in our relationship with our spouse since there is an enemy that wants to divide and destroy our marriages and families!!
    As for surprises… I like them… But I especially like to surprise someone! It is hard for me to be creative in this area so when I do come up with an idea to surprise I get so excited!!! Gonna have to think on how I can surprise my guy today!!! Any ideas?? Have a blessed day

    • Thank you for your kind encouragement, Mary! And I am deeply appreciative that my posts have been an encouragement to you.

      As for ideas … maybe his favorite candy bar? I tell you, this is not my strong point!! 🙂

  2. I’m continuously amazed at the view so many take on marriage today. I recently was asked if I didn’t feel it was demeaning when I told someone I lay Ed’s clothes out for him. Demeaning to help my husband? As if it somehow made me less of a person or chipped away at my self esteem to perform the simple act of pulling a shirt and pants out of the closet and matching socks and ties for him? I was flabbergasted. I answered quickly that I was honored to do that small chore for him. Which was really a good thing, as it set me to thinking what other small things I could do for him… without being demeaned 😉

    This series was well done, Teri Lynne and I have thoroughly been blessed by it. And by you and Scott and the relationship you have grown!

    • Me too, Molli, me too! But I also know people are drawn to genuine love … and so I try to ignore the scoffers and realize what a privilege it is to show others a picture of enduring love.

      Which I know, is what people see in Ed’s and your marriage!!

    • I cannot imagine how someone would see laying your husband’s clothes out as demeaning. When Jesus came to this earth, he actually served others, rather than being a king, who expected everyone to wait on him. I can see where doing this act of service is a love note to your husband, saying you are important to me. God bless you and your marriage,

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