28 Days, 28 Ways: Do Something He Usually Does

Welcome to 28 Days, 28 Ways: Investing in Your Marriage! All month long I’ll be sharing ideas and tips for investing in your marriage.  You can find a list of all the posts here.

28 Days 28 Ways: Investing In Your Marriage || TeriLynneUnderwood.com

Okay, here’s the deal … There are just some things I don’t like to do. And, at the risk of offending all the more liberated women in the world, they are things I just think the man should do. At least I think the man in my life should do them.

For example, the big trash cans. I don’t like carrying bags of trash outside and I don’t like being responsible for pushing the big cans down to the street every week before trash pick up day. {I also don’t think I should have to push the emptied cans back up our driveway.}

Another area of life I don’t want to deal with … the car. I don’t like pumping gas, making sure the oil gets changed, checking tires, or trying to figure out where the latest rattle or squeak is coming from. Basically, I want to get in the car and drive wherever I need to go and that’s it.

So, right now at least a few of you are thinking, “This girl is spoiled!” And, yeah, I suppose I am. But if you think about it, there are probably a few things you don’t like to do and your husband typically takes care of them for you as well. Or maybe there are tasks or jobs around the house you never even think about because he has just always handled them.

Do Something He Usually Does || Teri Lynne Underwood

My friend Brooke’s husband just had a major surgery on his shoulder and she shared on Facebook recently how much she appreciates all those things her husband has done to take care of her family, even more now that she’s having to do most of them. Her words were such a testimony to her husband’s love for their family … and her sweet desire to serve him.

Let’s face it, our guys do a lot for us. And sometimes, unintentionally, we take that for granted. Maybe one way you can help him is just to do one of the things he normally does. Schedule an oil change or bring the trash cans up from the street or change the air filters in the house … the ideas are endless. And it probably won’t be anything major … but I’m finding sometimes it’s those small things we do that say “I love you” in the biggest ways.

As for me, I’ll be pushing those dumb trash cans down to the curb later today so Scott won’t have to do it later tonight. And I’m even going to bring them back up after the trash runs in the morning.

What is something your husband usually does that you could do for him?

Cheering you on,

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. Teri, I am absolutely loving this series!! Thank you. I schedule the oil changes, but I rarely pump my own gas or take the trash out to the cans or the cans to the street. I’ll try to do that this week. Thank you for these encouraging posts!

    • Thank you!! It’s been a challenge to write them … because the Lord is just showing me all kinds of things about myself!! But it’s been good and I’m glad this series has been encouraging to you as well!


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