28 Days, 28 Ways: Do Something Together

Welcome to 28 Days, 28 Ways: Investing in Your Marriage! All month long I’ll be sharing ideas and tips for investing in your marriage.  You can find a list of all the posts here.

28 Days 28 Ways: Investing In Your Marriage || TeriLynneUnderwood.com

Today, Scott and I are doing a women’s event at a local church.  I’m speaking and he’s leading worship. Last night as we sat in our living room, typing away on our computers, I looked over at him and said, “Thanks for spending Valentine’s night working with me on a ministry event we’re doing together.  I know it’s not what you have chosen for tonight.  But I love it and I’m so thankful to be able to serve others with you!”

Do Something Together || Teri Lynne Underwood

Sometimes doing something together gets lost in the shuffle of driving kids  to and fro, keeping up with church and community obligations, and managing a household.

But when we start to look around at all the ways we can spend time with our husbands, we realize it doesn’t have to be date night!  It can be doing yard work or baking a cake or planning a birthday party for a child … or even preparing and leading a ministry event together.  We need to make time to reconnect with each other.

It really doesn’t matter what you do … just do something together. Because together is awesome!

What are some of the together things you and your husband do?

Cheering you on,

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