28 Days, 28 Ways: Choose Him Again

I’m so glad you are joining me for 28 Days, 28 Ways: Investing in Your Marriage. I know we’ll all be blessed and encouraged as we seek to invest in our marriages. You can find each post indexed here.

28 Days 28 Ways: Investing In Your Marriage || TeriLynneUnderwood.com

If you’ve been married more than a day or two, you’ve probably already discovered marriage is hard work. Some days you just don’t feel as connected as you’d like.  In fact, there may be days when you don’t “feel” in love.  In fact, there may be seasons during your marriage when you don’t “feel” anything.

But here’s what I know, marriage isn’t about feelings. Marriage is a covenant relationship — a decision to commit. And, the reality is, you don’t make that decision just once on you wedding day … you make it every single day. You choose this man again every day.  You choose to love him, even when you don’t feel like it. You choose to help him, even when you’re tired. You choose to walk beside him, even when you’d rather walk away. You choose to listen to him, even when he’s not listening to you. You choose to sacrifice, even when you’d rather have your way. You choose to work through it, even when you’d rather give up.

Choose Him Again || Teri Lynne Underwood

You make this promise to choose him again. Every day. Over and over. Time and again. Not because he’s the perfect husband. And not because you’re the perfect wife. And certainly not because you have a perfect marriage.

But we choose him again because we know marriage is more than a ring and a ceremony … it’s a commitment to be faithful, a choice to love, and most of all, a testimony of God’s love to a world in desperate need of hope.

Cheering you on,

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  1. Thank you for this post!!! I think it is my favorite!! Have a blessed day and thank you again for your obedience to share your heart on marriage!!
    Oh and I surprised him!!! Brought him a cup of coffee to bible study and snuck up to sit next to him… Not my usual pattern and he was surprised and it made me smile!! I love to serve my husband!!

  2. Dear Teri Lynne, I have so enjoyed your February posts on marriage! Even after 44 1/2 years of marriage It’s good to be reminded to keep doing the “little” things that will keep your marriage fresh. With my husband John and myself, we just love to be together no matter where it is–at home, doctor’s visits, church, vacations, and oh yes with our precious family-especially our 2 sweet granddaughters. Thank you so much for all of your work on the marriage posts in the month of February. I always benefit from your posts. Maybe someday we can meet—we are practically neighbors. I live in Marietta, Georgia just north of Atlanta. Oh yes, I am reading your book “Prayers From The Pews”. Such a powerful book and so true. May God continue to bless you richly as you serve Him!

    • Oh Denise! You have no idea how much your words blessed me today. Your encouragement and wisdom are gifts to this “making it one day at a time” momma. I love the testimony you share of your marriage … and I am thankful that Scott and I are like you and John, we just love to be together.

      Thank you also for your kind words about “Prayers from the Pews.” I am amazed at how God is using it!!

      Blessings to you!
      Teri Lynne

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