It’s no secret I love Freeset! I have a collection of their bags and have given several as gifts. They are high quality, beautiful, and {best of all} each bag is made by women in India who have been rescued from human trafficking. Freeset is an incredible organization and I am thrilled to be a part of the 12 Days of Freedom project again this year. This year, I get to chat about the amazing Box Bags! These are definitely one of my favorite Freeset products. And, since I’d imagine many of you are finishing up {or just beginning — yikes!!} your holiday shopping, I thought I would share with you 20 gift ideas using these cute little $5 {yep, just FIVE DOLLARS!!} bags. {Please note, many of the links below are affiliate links and I will receive a commission if you purchase through them. However, I am not an affiliate for Freeset and received no compensation for sharing this post … I just firmly believe in what they are doing and want to do all I can to support the mission of this incredible organization!}
So, here we go … 20 ways you can use the adorable Freeset Box Bag as part of your gift-giving this Christmas {and throughout the year}! Gifts that give twice:
- If you’ve got a bracelet-wearing friend on your list, check out these adorable bangles from Freeset. A set of three is only $5 and each set is made in India.
- Donate to Samaritan’s Purse “Loving Care for Orphans“ in honor of that person and tuck the beautiful card Samaritan’s Purse will provide you into the box bag along with a card about Freeset. {Be sure to look at all the amazing ways you can give through the Samaritan’s Purse gift catalog. Everything from medical care to chickens … it’s in there!}
- Buy a bag of Just Love Coffee for the coffee lover on your list. Great fair trade coffee in several roasts and blends, the coffee snob on your list will be thrilled. {My friends, Christina & Darin Burrell, are partnering with Just Love Coffee to raise the funds to adopt from Moldovia. JLC will donate $5 for every bag purchased through this link to the Burrells adoption fund.}
- These adorable handmade and very unique coasters are from the Mercy House shop. Mercy House is an amazing maternity home in Kenya started by blogger, Kristen Welch. Read more of this beautiful story on their website. Or buy her fantastic book, Rhinestone Jesus, where she shares her journey.
- How about an adorable bracelet, necklace, or earrings from Dayspring’s great jewelry lines?
You could tuck a beautifully scented candle down into the bag along with a sweet note encouraging a stressed out friend.
- Chocolate. Seriously — is there a better gift for a woman? I keep thinking these Godiva Chocolatier Gems Milk Chocolate Caramels look amazing!!
- Another great gift for your bestie is a favorite snapshot in a cute frame.
Gifts for little girls:
- The box bag itself makes an adorable little purse for the tiny princess on your list. Get it monogrammed just for her and she will love it!
- What about some cute socks from the U-Neeks line at Dayspring. Adorbs!
- Every little girl wants to be a big girl, so how about filling up a little box bag with lip gloss, note pad, and pens. Even better if everything in the bag is pink or purple and has glitter!
- A sweet Lilla Rose clip would make a lovely gift for the girl on your list. The
mini style will work in the finest hair. I love this one because every princess needs a tiara!
Gifts for men:
Yeah, yeah, I know, dudes don’t “do bags.” But, let’s face it, if you’re going to spend $3 on a gift bag that will get tossed, you may as well buy the Box Bag and save it for yourself when he’s pulled his gift out! 🙂
- A watch is almost always a great gift for a guy. There are so many styles to choose from, you are bound to find a watch that matches his personality.
- A new pocketknife is also a safe gift idea for those men on your list. This Swiss Army Classic SD Pocket Knife
would make a good choice.
- What about a great coffee mug? Here is one of my favorites from Dayspring …
- Sunglasses are another fab gift for guys. Zulily often has great deals on designer frames … who doesn’t love that!
Gifts for those special people:
- How about a Box Bag full of dry erase markers, red pens, and sticky notes for your child’s teacher. And maybe a gift certificate for a local restaurant as well?
- Wrap up some homemade cookies or candy and place inside the Box Bag. Hand deliver to your neighbors with wishes for a happy holiday season.
- Create a small silk flower arrangement inside a Box Bag and deliver to a nursing home resident you know.
- And for a great hostess gift, tuck some pretty holiday tea towels into one of the festive red or green Box Bags.
Gifts for the hard-to-buy for:
We all have them … those people on our lists who are difficult to buy for! How about a few ideas you could tuck into a box bag for those people.
- A classic card game might just be the answer for some of those people. Games like Rook
are a perfect gift for grandparents who have it all. Plus, it makes a great way for you to spend some extra time with them while you play the game.
- How about a keepsake ornament? Maybe something that symbolizes how much the person means to you or celebrates a special memory?
- And there’s always the gift card … who doesn’t love an Amazon
gift card! Did you know you can design your own card? I love that!
This last gift idea is my favorite … take some time to write a note to someone sharing with them what he or she means to you and how having him or her in your life has enriched and encouraged you. Sometimes, those are the very best gifts … the ones that come straight from our hearts! So, there you have it! Twenty gifts you can give in a Freeset Box Bag. Ready to order your bags? Head to the Freeset site and order yours now! They are beautiful!!
More about Freeset: Freeset is a fair trade business located in one of the largest, most infamous sex districts in Calcutta, India, where more than 10,000 women stand in line selling their bodies. They are often trafficked from poor families in rural India and then forced into prostitution. Freeset started with just 20 women brave enough to seize the opportunity to leave the sex trade behind, and has now grown to almost 200 women. The women at Freeset are employed in dignity, able to move from being the product, to making products. They receive a fair wage, medical insurance, reading and writing classes, daycare for their children, and retirement. Because of the choice Freeset offers for freedom, it provides the opportunity to break the cycle of poverty and exploitation for these women once and for all.
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