10 Gifts for Teenage Boys under $25

10 gifts for teenage boys under $25 || TeriLynneUnderwood.com

Facts you need to know before you read any further.

  1. I am a girl. I’ve always been a girl and I’m a girly girl on top of that. I like pink and pretty. I know all about doing hair and nails and makeup. I know where to find the best deal on cute tights and how many bobby pins it takes to keep a cheerleader’s high pony tail in tact for four basketball games.
  2. I have a girl. She’s also a girly girl.  She likes cute boots and comfy hoodies. Her bathroom is full of perfumes, nail polishes, and makeup brushes.

This post is not offered as expert guidance. But I did a lot of research before compiling this list.  I asked several of my favorite moms who have teenage boys.  I paid attention to what the teenage boys at church and at ball games talk about and what they wear.

I’ve never really had to consider what gifts a boy might like. Until this year … the year my girl has her first real boyfriend. And so, the quest for finding gifts for boys has begun in my life.

And, since I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who needs help with this type of shopping, I thought I’d share what I’ve learned.  Whether the teenage boy on your list is a boyfriend, a nephew, or the child you’ve chosen from the Angel Tree in your community, here are ten ideas for gifts under $20.

  1. A hat. Seriously, whether the boy on your list is a sports fan or a country boy or a hipster.  There’s a hat for that! From a ball cap celebrating his favorite team to a newsboy cap, hats come in all styles and all price ranges.
  2. Graphic tee. Target is my favorite destination for graphic tees but Old Navy also has a great selection. Like a hat, you can go so many directions with a tee shirt.
  3. Pocket knife. Every boy needs a knife, or so I’ve been told.  Again, lots of options here in terms of price and function.  But a Swiss Army or Buck knife are definitely safe and classic choices.
  4. Body spray.  I admit, this one shocked me at first. But then I started thinking about the boys at our church and realized smell good sorts of things definitely belong on this list. Check out all the great buys on gift sets this time of year.
  5. A good devotional. I am a fan of giving devotionals. It’s my go to gift in lots of situations.  And when I found Devotions for the God Guy by Michael DiMarco, I knew it would need to be on this list. But there are tons of other devotionals available for teenage boys.
  6. Classic movie. Since we’re  sports fans and definitely lovers of sports movies, I’d say every boy needs to see Rudy and Field of Dreams.
  7. Books. Again, no surprise this makes the list.  One I’ve seen highly recommended is Do Hard Things … we live in a time when taking the easy way out has become an art form. What if we encouraged our boys {and girls} to do the hard things?
  8. A phone case. This is a simple gift but again lots of choices. Just make sure you know what kind of phone he has before you buy the case!
  9. A tie. I’m really into the bow ties right now.  But there are countless choices in the tie arena.
  10. Gift cards. Another simple but no fail suggestion … anything from iTunes to Amazon or xBox Live.  When in doubt, get the gift card!

And for of you like me, who like to be able to click over and shop, here are some choices on Amazon.  These are affiliate links so if you purchase through them I’ll receive a small commission. {And if you don’t have Amazon Prime, now is a great time to start your FREE 30-day trial so you can get free two-day shipping!}

So there you have it, ten gift ideas for teenage boys.  Tomorrow I’ll share my ten ideas for teenage girls.

What would you add?

{image credit: canstockphoto.com}

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  1. I would add a flashlight to the list. That is my go-to gift for teenage boys if I’m not sure what to give. There are some really good ones (look for the lumens number…the higher the better) at reasonable prices out there.

    I would add Chariots of Fire to the movie list.

    I would say you did a fine job of coming up with your list!
    Well done!

  2. It would make my life so much easier if my teen son and his friends liked all of these suggestions – LOL! More than half the list does not apply to my son. But the one thing that he and ALL of his friends have in common – they love the gift cards. Their favorites are Amazon, Game Stop, and food cards like In ‘N Out Burger, Jamba Juice, Starbucks etc. Graphic tees do work well too. But also laptop/tablet accessories. I like the pocketknife idea too (son already has one since he’s a Boy Scout).

    • Well, Lisa, I have to say, shopping for boys is MUCH harder than shopping for girls. I tried to come up with ideas that had lots of variations … but also include some meaningful items {like the devotional} as well. We did a gift card for the girl’s boyfriend for his birthday … it was just easier. 🙂 But I have bought actual presents for Christmas. Of course, it helps that he’s a HUGE Auburn fan so pretty much anything with AU on it is a great gift for him. LOL

  3. I know this was posted last year, but thanks for sharing! Gift cards are definitely the way to go…especially Starbucks lol.
    I think I would also personally add candy to that list, can’t go wrong with chocolate. 🙂


  4. If the teenage boy is not yours I wouldn’t go with a pocket knife a lot of parents would not be happy if their son had a knife. Especially receiving one as a gift without parent permission

  5. One can never go wrong with gift cards. You can also give a snack sack with their favorite candy and gum or in a container that they can later reused for storage

  6. I know this post I really old but I enjoyed reading your list. I have gotten my first boyfriend and I have no idea what to get him. I don’t want to seem lame and I want to get him something that he will actually like. Do you have any new recommendations or anything from this list that you think will work best?

  7. I am a mother of a 14 year old teen, trust me they are so different from girls! I outa know I have one of each! If I had to add I would add a wallet, cologne to impress the girl he is crushing on, a basketball or any ball for that matter. Bluetooth speakers , video games, controllers, controller charger, hoodie, bean bag chair, and last but not least a tote bag. I hope this helps!

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