Here we are at day four of our journey to living well. I hope you have been encouraged. I have loved reading your comments here on the blog and on Facebook. Today we’re discussing the third truth about living well. We’ve already covered the reality we can’t do it all and we can learn to be content. This last one is encouraging to me … and I hope it is to you as well.
I don’t know about you but sometimes I really start to believe I’m alone. I don’t see the truth of how others are struggling in their lives or facing their own challenges. I forget my friends have their own doubts and insecurities. I pull in instead of reaching out.
Do you do that?
I’m leading one of the (in)couragers groups right now, Parenting Teens and Thriving. One of my favorite parts of this group is the way when one person shares a difficult situation so many other moms are quick to say, “Me too!” The thing is, it takes courage to be the one to say, “I’m having a hard time right now” or “I really don’t know what to do” or “I just need a friend.”
A big part of learning to live well is being willing to invite others into our lives. God created us for fellowship with Him and with others. And, as believers, we are admonished to come alongside each other in all situations, whether good or bad.
Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. Romans 12:15
I just started doing a Bible study with a younger woman in my life. The study is about learning to listen to truth over lies in our lives. As we were talking about what lies we believe, the core of most of them was simply this: I’m not good enough. The sweetest moment of our time together was the gift of encouraging one another and pointing each other back to the truth. Left to myself, I can get lost in the lies of the enemy. Having a friend I can share honestly with helps refocus me on truth.
I need that. And I’m guessing you might need that too.
As we spend the next three weeks digging deeper into this idea of learning to live well, I encourage you to find a friend you can be honest with, someone who will hold your heart tenderly and with care but will point you back to truth when the lies start overpowering your thoughts.
Because, sweet ones, we are NOT on our own! God, in His wisdom and love, has placed people in our lives — online and off — who will walk beside us, carrying our burdens and sharing our joys. Don’t believe anything else!
Have you ever felt like you were all alone? How has God placed people in your life to remind you you are not?
Recommended Resources: {some of these are affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you purchase through them}
- STUDY is a fabulous new online women’s Bible study app! It’s what my friend and I are using for our time together and we love it. All you need is your computer, tablet, or smart phone. The Scripture is fully integrated as well as places to type in your answers and a private journal. All the studies can be done individually or with a group. I’ve been using the STUDY app for about three weeks and it is fabulous. {And I’ll be contributing some of my studies – both for teenage girls and for women within the next few months!} Also, it’s totally FREE!! Sign up now to be informed when the full app is available.
- Self Talk, Soul Talk: What to Say When You Talk to Yourself
{by Jennifer Rothschild}
- When You’re Stuck in Perfectionism {Day 4 of Shelly Miller’s 31 Days series this month}
Saturdays I’ll be sharing some encouraging words … a quote that inspires or challenges me in the area of living well. And Sundays I’ll be offering a verse relating to living well. I’d encourage you to consider memorizing these verses each week and build the arsenal of truth in your mind to fight the lies! If you haven’t go ahead and subscribe to make sure you receive each day’s post in your inbox. See you tomorrow!
Oh and all my 31 Days of Living Well posts will indexed here. Just in case you want to bookmark that page for easy reference.
Really sad the Bible study app won’t be available till Summer. I won’t have time next summer to use it! 🙁