We Learn to Live Well

Do you ever wonder if you are doing anything right? You know, like when you look around and see only an overscheduled calendar and an overwhelming pile of laundry? If your life looks anything like mine there are probably weeks when you get to Saturday night and ask yourself if you did anything that really matters over the past seven days.

2013 has been a difficult year for me. I haven’t had a real sense of purpose or direction for most of this year. I’ve struggled to figure out what direction I should be going and what steps I should be taking.  I’ve spent the better part of the past nine months wondering what God’s plan for me is.  I’ve been discouraged and pretty depressed.  It’s affected every part of my life and everyone in my life. It hasn’t really been fun … and it definitely hasn’t been easy.

That's the thing I want to share with you ... we learn to live well. || 31 Days of Living Well || TeriLynneUnderwood.com

In fact, I’ve been thinking it’s pretty ironic that I’m writing this series … because the truth is, I’m living it. Every post I’m writing is rooted in what I’m learning {or re-learning} right now.  

That’s the thing I want to share with you … we learn to live well.  It doesn’t just happen one day when all the pieces fall into place. We study and we apply and sometimes we fail … it’s part of the process.

This week we’ll be looking at some of the core ideas of living well, sort of a framework for experiencing the abundant life Christ offers us.  {Which reminds me, are you joining me in memorizing John 10:10 this week?}  I’m excited about the next few days.  It’s not going to be about brand new, earth shattering ideas … instead, we’ll revisit some truths we already know.  In fact, I’d imagine these are lessons you’ve learned before … so we’ll just relearn them together.  Sound good?

I’m glad you’re here with me. It’s so much better to learn with a group!

What’s a lesson you’ve been learning lately?

I hope you are finding this series encouraging and useful.  If you haven’t go ahead and subscribe to make sure you receive each day’s post in your inbox.  See you tomorrow!

Oh and all my 31 Days of Living Well posts will indexed here. Just in case you want to bookmark that page for easy reference.

31 Days of Living Well || TeriLynneUnderwood.com


Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. I think what I just learned is that I cannot assume anything. Because reading this post this morning totally shocked me. I had no clue you were fighting depression and lack of focus, because from where I sit you have focus, confidence, accomplishment, a thriving business, opportunities for speaking and conferences, and a life full of family and friends who love you.

    That said, I do love you, I admire you for being transparent, and I hope one day to attend a conference at which you are speaking 🙂

    • Oh Pattie! Thank you … I always struggle to know how to share the hard things. I never want to be the “whiner” or overstate the difficult seasons in my life. Especially when I realize so many others face far more trying situations than I do. This year has been hard personally {due to family situations over which I have no control} … and so I have been very thankful for the professional opportunities as they have often been my distraction.

      We should skype soon. I miss you. And I’d even stay up late one night to chat with you! 🙂

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