Life Lessons I Hope I’m Teaching

This is my girl.  I adore her!  And she’s growing up way too fast.  Eighth grade begins Monday.

5 Life Lessons Worth Teaching || Teri Lynne Underwood || Allume

I’ve been thinking a lot about how fast time flies and how soon she will be leaving our home to begin a life of her own.  What have I taught her?  What has she taught me?   Today, at the Allume blog, I’m sharing the most important lessons I hope she learns from me.

life lessons worth teaching || ||

Will you join me there?  I’d love to hear from you about what lessons your want to teach with your life …

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. Your blog is beautifully written, Teri Lynne. Your points will always be relevant to young lives. I write a letter to each of my grandchildren as they turn 12, hoping to inspire them to walk with a sense of God’s Presence and to always be fair, kind and gentle with others.

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