We don’t sing as many hymns in church these days as we did when I was growing up. But once a month, I go with our Senior Adults to the nursing home and we drag out the old hymnals and sing all of their favorites. There is just something about those old hymns that brings a sweet peace to my spirit. As we begin a new week, I encourage you to sing some of those old standards of the faith.
silent night
I grew up in a very traditional Southern Baptist church and always thought hymns were boring. Slowly, as I grew up, I began to appreciate them more and more. I think it was when Passion released Hymns: Ancient & Modern that I really fell in love with them. Then our church in Louisville sang old hymns with new melodies almost exclusively (from Sojourn Music) and they’re my favorite.
I don’t really have one favorite. In our family we each have our own hymn (I picked the kids when they were babies): All My Tears, Rock of Ages, Be Thou My Vision, Come Thou Fount, and What a Friend We Have in Jesus. We started singing O Come, O Come Emmanuel a few Christmas’ ago and it has turned into a nightly song. I also love Sandra McCracken’s The Builder & The Architect album.
It’s interesting to see the difference between my husband (who grew up with praise choruses) and me when it comes to hymns. I have a back log of hymns he doesn’t even know and when the days get long and I’m weary I often find myself singing little snippets of these old songs without even realizing it! But seeing that makes me want to pass them down to my kids.
(sorry for leaving, basically, my own blog post! :/ )
I love it, Jessica! There is such rich theology in so many hymns. I find myself humming songs like “Sweet Hour of Prayer” or “I Need Thee Every Hour” a lot lately. We typically do the old hymns with new melodies also … and mixed in with some of the newer songs. One of my favorite blendings is “How Great Is Our God” and “How Great Thou Art.”
I also love the idea of having hymns for each person … what a great idea! And you listed some of my very favorites. “Be Thou My Vision” is just gorgeous.
My favorites are The Old Rugged Cross and Mansion Over the Hilltop
Some good ones for sure! Thanks for stopping by and sharing!