It’s Five Minute Friday time. This week’s prompt is song. I have no idea where it will lead me. But here goes …
All my life has been defined by songs.
The first song I sang in church alone: “I Am a Promise.”
The song we sang as a family: “You’re Something Special.”
The song my brothers and I sang as children: “Kids Under Construction.”
The song I cried through in 3rd grade while standing in front of my grandfather’s church: “Mountaintop.”
The song my parents sang that remains my favorite hymn: “My Jesus I Love Thee.”
The song I danced my first slow dance to: “You’re the Inspiration.”
The song we blared as we were “dragging Main” during high school: “Foolin'”
The song we sang on the van after every debate tournament in college: “Doxology.”
The song I mocked in chapel during college: “Jehovah Jireh.”
The song that spoke what I wanted to say when I finally really encountered Jesus: “Break This Heart.”
The song my husband wrote for our wedding: “I Promise You {Teri’s Song}.”
The song that’s “ours”: “Beautiful in My Eyes.”
The song I sang as a lullaby to and prayer over my girl: “Sanctuary.”
The song that always makes me cry: “I Can Only Imagine.”
The song I listen to every day in my car: “Hometown.”
The song we sing at the nursing home: “How Great Thou Art.”
The song my girl sang at her voice recital, even though she was terrified: “Silent Night.”
The song I love more than “10,000 Reasons” by Matt Redmon: “Never Once.”
Songs are the soundtrack of my life. But I’m finding the most beautiful song has nothing to do with what’s on the radio or playing in my iPod. It’s this, the song of life …
The brewing of the coffee pot first thing in the morning, the chattering of teenage girls trying to decide what to wear to school, the cracking of my husband’s favorite Woodwick candles, the birds chirping outside the window, the laughing at Sheldon Cooper, and the last words of the day, “Good night, babe. I love you.”
Every Friday, Lisa-Jo invites us to write. Unedited … just pouring words on screen. It’s beautiful and challenging and the best kind of fun. You should definitely check out all the amazing writing done by the Five Minute Friday community.
Teri…loved your post…you have a great way of writing…easy flowing and pointed directly to our Lord. I think I have only did the Five Minutes Friday once or twice…but enjoy myself today as I put fingers to keyboard and let it flow. I am not even going back to it to see what mistakes I made today…maybe tomorrow. Blessings my sister
Thank you, Betty! I appreciate your kind words. And I’m so thankful that you see Jesus in the words I scratch out. He’s there, isn’t He? Always … from the assurance that He has a plan for my life to the truth I cling to that I never walk alone … He is good, He is faithful. And He is the both the Singer and the Song.
So, reading through your list totally had me singing along. 🙂 I love it…and I love your most beautiful song, too. Mine starts with coffee (though I’m way too tired at 5:30 to actually listen to the coffee brewing) 🙂 and my Father and a run with a sweet playlist, and then it’s full of giggles and songs and chatter and I-love-yous from my talkative, almost three-year old. It’s the best, sweeter than any song, even if I do love music. 🙂 This is a beautiful post, friend…I love your perspective. Have a wonderful weekend! Blessings! 🙂
Thanks, Mel! Funny how the playlists in our heads are so similar … must mean you are a child of the 80s or early 90s? 🙂
I, too, love the song of life. It is a song that hits all genres and at the end of the day it is all flows beautifully together.
PS ”I Am a Promise.” is the song we sang at my K-5 graduation (many years ago)
Love it, Amy!! I think every child born before 1978 has sung that song at some point!! LOL
I am not a scrapbooker, but these posts have made me realize that I capture memories in songs, like a big playlist of my life. But no great lyrics could ever capture the sound of a toddler’s giggle, the first “love you, mama” or the soft sweet snore of a baby finally asleep on your chest. God’s melody. It’s beautiful. (and I tried so hard to work ‘Bazinga’ into my comment but it just didn’t seem right!)
Oh Crystal … bazinga is always right!! LOL And I am finding, living with my worship pastor husband and music-loving girl, songs are what describe our days. I’m finding I take less photos but write down more descriptions as my girl gets older. {Plus, since she’s a instagram-aholic she is doing a fab job of capturing her days in images anyway!!}
“I am a Promise” was my Kindergarten graduation song and I was totally mocking “Jehovah Jireh” just the other day. {My hubster has never heard it and I wanted him to know it how I remembered it. lol}
Yes, those songs of life happening and God moving are the most beautiful, aren’t they? I always say, “The coffee bean and the cocoa bean and proof that God is crazy about me”. I don’t want to get through a day without either one of those. 🙂
{I’m so glad you mocked that song too.} Thank you for your sweet comment. What an encouragement!
Teri Lynne, that song of life – it is a thing of beauty and passion and grace and so beautiful. I am thinking now, of which songs would make my “life playlist”. I so love where your mind went with this prompt.
It was fun to do … and not really where I thought I’d end up. But when I started writing the songs, I realized they tell my story.
I saw, in my mind’s eye, you at age 2 in a little white robe with a big red bow singing “Little lamb, little lamb, lying on the hillside. Little lamb, little lamb, what did you see/” in the church Christmas program as I read this. I’m so glad that there are pieces of your melody in my song!
Love you!
After I published, I realized that should have been in there … only I wasn’t sure exactly how to write out the way everyone says I sang it. “Little laaaaaammb. Little laaaaaaamb.” I understand I had a fabulous southern drawl even at that age!!
Oh and I LOVE that bits of my melody are a part of your song too. So thankful you are my beautiful aunt and my dear friend/mentor. What a sweet gift. I love you.
Songs hold memories, and so many of my memories are attached with songs! Isn’t it neat that we can hear a line, even the first few notes of a song, and instantly think of a certain time, experience, or person? So cool.
Hi, I came over from Amy Boyd’s blog. Love this 5 minute Friday idea. You post was a blessing to me. Love your blog layout too. Will come back by and visit again. Blessings.
Thank you so much, Amy! {And don’t you just love Amy Boyd? Such a blessing she is!}