Living Our Fears or Living Our Dreams {a God-sized dreams post}

living out our fears -


I’ve been living my fears.  I’ve been hiding in the cocoon of comfortable.  It’s been very safe here … and I’d almost forgotten I burrowed in here for all the wrong reasons.

Being a part of Holley’s God-sized dream team is killing me, y’all! I’ve had to face down so many fears.  I’ve had to admit all the ways I’ve settled for what I could do and what was safe … I’ve been living my fears.  

Two weeks ago I had a phone call that shook me up.  It wasn’t a family emergency or anything.  It was a simple one-hour call to help me sort through some questions I had about branding myself, well, really about rebranding myself.

Stephanie carefully listened to what I said about what I want to do and what I believe God has created me to do.  And then she asked,

“What are you afraid of?”

So, I shared what I wrote about fear of failure and fear of success.  She stopped me and asked why I am afraid of success.  I explained how I was fearful that if I succeeded with my God-sized dream, I’d lose sight of my need for God, that I’d begin to think I could do this on my own.

Sounds silly, doesn’t it?  The arrogance of thinking I could accomplish my God-sized dream outside of God.  It’s not really that, of course, it’s the fear that I’d forget it was Him … begin to believe it was me.

I’ve created a very safe little world … I do all the things I am “supposed” to do.  I attend the right conferences, say yes to the right opportunities, and I’ve been building the right kind of platform.  But somehow it’s all empty … because I’ve been living my fears.  

Today, I’m choosing to live my dream … I’m going to courageously follow the desires of my heart, the ones God has placed deep inside.   I’m saying good-bye the dark, drab colors of safety …. and I’m embracing the bright colors of life and adventure and opportunity!  I’m going to jump off this cliff in front of me … and I’m telling you all right now I AM TERRIFIED!! But I am also confident that while I’m saying “no” to a whole bunch of really good things, God is going to fling open the doors of  the “best” that he has for me … and I’m going to live big and wild and abandoned in this dream.

So, stick around, y’all … the next few weeks are going to be an adventure as I share the parts and pieces of what God has been showing me.

Will you join me in living our dreams?  Let’s make the choice to stop living our fears … and let’s watch God do the spectacular and amazing in our lives!!

linking with Holley and a bunch of other wide-eyed, wild about God dreamers

God Sized Dreams

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Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. Just yesterday I had a conversation with a friend in which we talked about praying we never lost sight of our need for God & His direction for our lives. It is so easy to live in the security of our comfort zones rather than facing the fear of the unknown and the God sized dreams. Praying for you as you face your fears & you follow God’s incredible plans for your life.
    Mary @ The Calm of His Presence recently posted…Marriage Monday Flashback ~ Giving it all to JesusMy Profile

    • “It is so easy to live in the security of our comfort zones rather than facing the fear of the unknown and the God sized dreams.”

      That? Yeah … so true. Thank you for your encouraging words and your prayers.

  2. Well said!!!!!! There is always a balance that you have to find in everything that you do. And sometimes that is hard. After I wrote my post I have thought of about a million other fears that involve my dreams. It is very scary. And I had not thought of the success part. I had thought of the losing sight of God. You are amazing. And you will be successful and you will keep your eye on the ultimate prize. Keep it up!

    • Jennifer!! You are such an encourager. So glad you are on this journey with me … I love how God brings just the right people in our lives to inspire and support us along the way. You are that kind of gift to me!


  1. […] maybe you noticed things look a little different around here.  Remember that dream I shared about last week?  Yeah, this is just one step toward […]

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