You know how sometimes a book gets all up in your business? Well, apparently, I have some forgiveness issues. Or maybe it’s just one issue: I need to do it better.
My friend and fellow MOD Squad mom Tracie wrote a 31 Days series last October … and she took the basics of that series and added all sorts of other goodness to it and turned it into a book. A book that will get in your business.
31 Days of Forgiveness {through the eyes of grace} is a tender exploration of true biblical forgiveness. There are no pat answers or trite admonitions. Instead, Tracie gently and wisely guides the reader through a get down and dirty, wrestle until you have a limp, invitation to walk in the radical peace of forgiving as Christ has forgiven us.
Chapter titles include:
- What Is Forgiveness?
- What Forgiveness Is Not?
- Forgiving the Unforgiveable
- If I Forgive, Am I A Doormat?
- How Do We Know We’ve Forgiven?
In addition, Tracie has added five bonus chapters that will help you dig deeper into the topic of forgiveness. She has also created a study guide which would be great for small groups or your home Bible study group.
I’m thrilled to be able to share this book with you and encourage you to get your own copy. Tracie is generously donating ALL proceeds from the sales of 31 Days of Forgiveness directly to The Seed Company. Today, nearly one-third of the world’s language groups, representing 350 million people, are still waiting for God’s Word in a language they can understand clearly. The Seed Company enables you to support local Bible translators as they make God’s message available in the language of their people.
Tracie has also offered an awesome giveaway to one of my readers. Look what one of you will receive:
Yep, that’s an adorable set of note pads from Dayspring, a print copy of 31 Days of Forgivness, and this precious owl pillow from Button Bird Designs.
I do love a good giveaway. Here’s the deal … leave a comment sharing why you’d like this book and you are entered. That’s it! Easy peasy, right? But for those of you who are more ambitious, you can earn extra comments by tweeting, Instagramming, or Facebooking about this giveaway. Just be sure to come back and leave a separate comment for each link to a tweet, Instagram, or FB status update. For the super ambitious bloggers among you, write your own post about forgiveness and why you’d like this book and leave me the link and you’ll get another entry. So, up to five entries available. Entries must be received before Saturday, February 9, at midnight CST. Winner will be contacted by email on Monday, February 11.
Oh and one more thing … the book is free right now for Kindle and Kindle apps. So really and truly, if you want this book, you can get it! Just head to Amazon and download it. If you don’t have a Kindle, no problem … download the free app for your computer, phone, or tablet. The book will be free through Friday night. Seriously, go get it … and enter the giveaway so you’ll have a copy to give to a friend. It’s that good.
I thought her 31 days was wonderful at least the days I got to read. Thanks for the giveaway!
God has been teaching me more and more about forgiveness over the last three years. I can still say “ugh” even after all this time – maybe even more so because I am just beginning to recognize how hard this really is for me. I plan on downloading the free version but prefer paper books! Thanks for the opportunity. 🙂
Hmmmm. Forgiveness is a very tough area for me. I like to hang on to stuff. AND it gives me a reason not to talk to certain people. (not really that is more of an excuse) Sometimes I think that by not forgetting something you really never forgive someone.
Ooh…sounds like a great read. I’d love to grow in the area of forgiveness.
Oh forgiveness is so hard! Especially when the hurt goes on and on. I would love a book that would help me with this issue. I will go to Kindle and get the book. also posting you to Facebook page. Having a hard copy that I can read and reread, mark up and share would be awesome!
I would love to read this because I often feel like a doormat in one of my friendships. I am always getting hurt and always forgiving and always feeling so sad inside regarding this relationship :-(.
Thanks so much for offering this as a free download. Thanks also for setting an example in so many terrific ways!
Facebooked! So excited for friends to download this book. SO needed!
Why would I read this book?
Because forgiveness is something that a pastor’s wife is continually struggling in.
About every six months someone blows into church, excited about being a part, thrilled that we are “family” to them. After a few weeks, MANY of these people reveal whatever their pet agenda is… we should (fill in the blank) THEN we will be a great church. And when we say no, and continue to love them, they attack…me, my husband, my children, our character, our lifestyle, our home, you name it. I can’t even begin to tell you in real numbers how many consumer Christians have done this to us. And then they ad, whatever personal thing they want to make up, which usually includes “And they were so mean to me.” (translation, they were told no)
This is such a struggle. It makes it risky to make friends. It makes us vulnerable. It takes time and energy to process. And then, well there’s the pesky forgiveness thing.
I NEED this book!
I would love to have this book! There are so many times I struggle with forgiveness. Most of it has to do with fear. I am afraid of being hurt again and again.