When God Draws Near: The Passion of the Redeemed

When God Draws Near www.terilynneunderwood.com

I love this season!  I love the lights and the decorations.  I love the music and the parties.  I love Black Friday shopping and wrapping the gifts.  I love the food and the gathering around the table.

Christmas is definitely one of my favorite times of the year!

But mostly because Christmas is such a great opportunity for me to be light in the darkness!  Just as my tree lights shine through the windows and the candles promise rest and warmth as they glisten in the darkness of night, so I have this amazing privilege of shining bright against the dark.

The redemption story is light!

We’ve been given this good news, this promise of great joy.  How can we not share it with others?

God knows us. He knows we need more than rules.  We need a Redeemer, a Rescuer.  {Sometimes I long for a rescue from those long lines, don’t you?}  And so, His plan was established from the beginning … From the word speaking creation to the Word-Made-Flesh, redemption has always been God’s plan.   He invites us to be still in His presence and know the fullness of our rescue.

The beautiful truth is this: Our Redeemer knows us!  He is aware of our weaknesses and our strengths, our failures and our successes.  He knows the hurts we carry and the joys we’ve lived.  Christ, the Messiah, the Redeemer, is also Emmanuel, God with us.  The God who draws near to us and dwells in us has redeemed us, bought us back!

How then shall we respond to the Christmas story?  How do we play our part in the redemption story?  

When God Draws Near: The Passion of the Redeemed www.terilynneunderwood.com

We tell others!  We become like the shepherds who left the manger glorifying God for what they had seen!  When we have been redeemed, when we have been rescued, we can do no less than share the message of hope, the good news of great joy, with others.  We reach out beyond our own walls and take the light into our communities!   We are diligent to stay focused on the joy of the season and share that joy with others.

December has just begun. Will you make a priority of sharing the redemption story throughout this Christmas season?  Will you join me as I intentionally focus on the good news and living in great joy? In little ways and big, we can make a difference in our communities.  Will you be a passionate light in the darkness for a world that is desperate to be rescued?

How will you share the story of redemption this week?

Dayspring has been such a great partner to me throughout this series!  I’m thankful for the opportunity to work with a company that is passionate about creating products that point to the redemption and hope we have in Christ.  This week, they’ve graciously allowed me to offer you an amazing discount on one of my favorite pieces in the Redeemed Christmas line, the Good News doormat!  With the coupon code DOORMAT50, you can add this awesome reminder of the Good News to your front porch!

Isn’t it great?  I love mine and the way it reminds me each time I step out my front door that I have the opportunity to spread joy.  The code is good through Saturday and makes this gorgeous doormat just $15!  

Also, next Monday, my newest devotional ebook will be available!

When God Draws Near Devotional www.terilynneunderwood.com

These devotions will share the promise of redemption from Eden to eternity.  Perfect for those of us who want to carry the hope and joy of Christmas beyond the end of Advent on December 24th, you can use these devotions throughout the beginning of January into the Epiphany.  The best way to make sure you receive notification about this new devotional is to subscribe: via email or in a Reader.  

A little note to all who are visiting via the Dayspring newsletter, THANK YOU!  Your presence here over the past few weeks has been such a gift!  I especially want to invite you to come back again and share this quiet space with me … I’ve got some exciting plans for 2013 and I’d love for you to be a part of all of it.  Please, take a moment to subscribe {email or Reader} and join me!

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!



  1. Redeemed Christmas Good News Doormat

    […] e through the windows and the candles promise rest and warmth as they glisten in […]

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