Sharing one of the devotions from When God Draws Near: the story of redemption. Free download … go ahead and get your copy now!
Great Provider
Reading: Psalm 23
We have a seven-year-old nephew and, as my husband says, “His want-er isn’t broken.” He can open any catalog, watch any commercial, or walk down the aisles of any store and share the litany of all his wants.
Of course, most of our want-ers are broken either, are they? We’ve got our own Christmas lists. They may not be full of super hero toys or the latest gadget, but the list is there. We all want something or some things. While there is nothing inherently wrong with Christmas lists, the Psalmist reminds us of a simple truth:
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. (Psalm 23:1 KJV)
Does this mean we can’t wish for that new lens for our camera or enough matching forks for everyone? Of course not! David reminds us of something higher: We have a God who meets our every need. In the New Living Translation, Psalm 23:1 reads:
The Lord is my shepherd; I have everything I need.
When you look around your home, your life, do realize you have everything you need? During this time of year, we collect coats and food for those without in our communities. We buy blankets and goats and sewing machines for those trapped in poverty around the world. We send money to build schools and dig wells to benefit communities who have nothing.
Friend, we really do have everything we need, given from the gracious hand of God, our Provider. Perhaps today you need to slow your pace and spend some time in gratitude.
Thank you for sharing your wonderful devotions. I have truly enjoyed the theme and look forward to what God will give you to share in the year ahead.
Thank you, Mary, what a sweet gift your words of encouragement have been to my heart today! Merry Christmas!