It’s here … the final countdown. Christmas is just five days away. It’s easy to spend these last few days wrapped up in the execution of the plans we’ve been making for the past few weeks.
And while there is nothing wrong with perfect Christmas meals, beautifully wrapped packages, and festive get-togethers, maybe you want something a little more for this year.
Maybe you’re an Advent failure whose calendar is still on December 8th. (I can relate.) Maybe you forgot to get an angel off the tree at the mall. (You’re not alone.) Maybe you never got around to visiting the nursing home or checking on a neighbor who has been sick. (Join the club.)
Can I give you some good news? You can still shine bright this Christmas! And it’s probably not as hard as you might think.
Thank the service people around you. Really, it’s not their fault you forgot the cranberry sauce and had to wait in line behind the four people who forgot EVERYTHING. So when you finally get to the front of the line, offer a smile and thank the sweet cashier whose day has probably been far more frustrating than yours!
Don’t complain. Just don’t! No matter what … make it your firm commitment NOT to complain for the next five days.
Let something go. Seriously! I mean it … don’t try to do it all. You can’t … and honestly, no one really expects you to. In fact, I just bet your family would rather have one less dessert or less beautifully wrapped presents and instead have YOU … all of you.
Say “yes” … to late night hot chocolate or one more Christmas movie or driving around looking at lights. It’s too easy to fall into the default “no” … but try saying yes.
Don’t preach. You can put up 5000 images on Facebook about “The Reason for the Season” but what if you simply took time to just love others. Really, if we want to be light in the darkness, we have to start with loving … even those who celebrate differently, even those who *gasp* say “Happy Holidays.”
What other ways would you add to the list?
You might also enjoy 10 tips for a meaningful Christmas.
Such a good reminder these last crazied days before Christmas! Thank you!
allow the elder person or that busy mom with children that resemble stair steps to go before you in the line at Walmart or the grocery store.