Have I mentioned my new-found love for list.ly? Yeah, it’s awesomely easy and a great way to connect with others! You can like (or dislike) items on this list, share the list, indicate you’ve read the book … so much fun! So go ahead … like, dislike, share, or even add books to the list!! C’mon, join the fun!! 🙂
I read well over 200 books this year, about 2/3 of them were non-fiction. So, I thought I’d share my favorites. And so, here you have my favorite non-fiction reads of 2012.
[listly id=”2bn” layout=”full”]
Wow…and I thought I was kind of a rock star for reading book #100 now, hoping to hit 105 by the end of the year! Oh well. Loved reading your list.
Yeah, me too! How do you read that many, Kelly?
Kari Scare recently posted…How to… Become a Defensive Specialist
LOL! Free books for my Kindle are my downfall, I think. I load them on there and then have a compulsion to finish reading them. And I am never without my Kindle … so there is always a book (or 20!) to be read.
My favorite non-fiction read this year is Lincoln’s Melancholy. Not just a unique look into Lincoln’s inner life, but an inspiration for those who have struggled with depression. Thanks for your list! A couple stand out as ones I definitely want to read.
Kari Scare recently posted…How to… Become a Defensive Specialist
Oh Kari, I love a good biography. Especially a good presidential biography. I’ll have to add that one to my 2013 list. Thank you.
Not a typical biography, but a fascinating and unique look into his life. Also, for anyone who struggles with depression or even a melancholy personality, the way Lincoln dealt with this aspect of his life is an inspiration. Read this before watching the Lincoln movie that is out right now, and it really added depth to understanding that part of his life too.
Kari Scare recently posted…How to… Become a Defensive Specialist
Love this time of year when I can start my “Must Read” list for the new year!
I was able to add 5 from your list–thank you! The library had 2 and I’m getting
The Gospel of Ruth: Loving God Enough to Break the Rules
No Other gods: Confronting Our Modern Day Idols
When I Lay My Isaac Down: Unshakable Faith in Unthinkable Circumstances
with my Half Price Books money I have. Yay!
My favorites are hard to narrow down this year as I finally introduced myself to Brennan Manning, Henri Nouwen, Priscilla Shirer, and Madeline L’Engle. (I don’t know where I’ve been, but I read lots from each one)
I think my favorite short read was “Messy Spirituality” by Michael Yaconelli. It’s a 4+ hour read that so far has never left me. I may not have agreed with everything in there, but wow did it make me think about what I do believe…
Favorite Biography: Has to go to Bonhoeffer because I made it through it without realizing it was that long ; ) And second goes to Kisses from Katie. That just warmed my heart…
Nikki recently posted…His Law is Love {And His Gospel is Peace}
Love Manning, Nouwen, and L’Engle. I’ve got “A Wrinkle in Time” on my list to re-read in 2013 plus some of her non-fiction as well. And “Messy Spirituality” is an awesome book. We heard Mike speak several times at youth ministry conferences before he passed away. He was such a genuine person.
“Kisses to Katie” is on my bedside table right now. I bought it at Lifeway on Black Friday … thinking I’ll be taking it with me when we head to the Smokies after Christmas.
Thank you sweet friend for the mention! Truly honored.
Stacey recently posted…What Every Mom Can Do
You are most welcome … and thankful to be able to share your book with others.
wow, i’ve read none of these…and your reviews sound like i need to read every one! thanks for a good list! 🙂
Hi Kristen!! I love when your smiling face shows up on my computer!! If you only choose one, make it “7” but a very close second to that would be “The Mockingbird Parables.” Just my two cents!! 🙂