I’ve mentioned before this Bible in 490 Days group I’m leading. These ladies amaze me … I mean continually astound me with their humility and graciousness, their wisdom and humor. I love spending time each Wednesday with women who are excited about learning more about God through studying His Word.
They challenge me and they inspire me. I’m definitely better in every way because these women are a part of my life.
I say that because sometimes we find ourselves in a good place. Life is going well. And when that happens, we sometimes feel a little guilty or even concerned that we are not paying attention and therefore missing the reasons for stress and exhaustion and worry … We worry even when it’s all good. Why do we do that?
Girl, let me tell you, sometimes it is all good!! God is so gracious to give us that … to offer us seasons of peace and rest and contentment.
I’m in one. I’ve been battling it … feeling like I should be concerned about all sorts of things that don’t concern me, wondering why I’m not tired and straining against the weight of mothering my girl. I joked last weekend that I wanted to write a blog post titled, “I Love My Church, My Child Doesn’t Exhaust Me, and My Marriage Is Hot!”
None of that is to imply that my life is perfect … it’s SOOO not. And there are days when I wonder what it would be like to run away from all the commitments and responsibilities of being a grown up. But the truth is, right now, where I am, it’s good. Like really good.
God is working out some amazing plans for me, ones I never could have dreamed up or created on my own.
My girl is hilarious and fun! Yeah, we’ve got some tween angst and puberty hormones that rear their ugly heads sometimes, but really, for the most part, I am loving these middle school years. LOVING them.
My marriage after 16-1/2 years is better than it has ever been. I’m married to my best friend and I enjoy everything about our life more now than ever.
Maybe you are in a good place too … and maybe you’ve been like me, wondering if there is something wrong with you because you are just good right now. It’s okay … and there is nothing wrong!! Enjoy it!
Here’s the thing … no matter where you are—good, bad, or in between—there is a God who has not lost sight of you. He’s celebrating every good thing and He’s compassionate during every difficult minute. He wants to meet you just where you are and give you the gift of His presence. And friend, His presence is really the best gift there is!
Today, how will you praise His name?
I’m in that same place right now and I’m trying to cherish it. I was reading a book last week and because it addressed the topic of being tired I started feeling tired and weighed down myself, then I thought…”wait a minute…what’s going on??…I didn’t feel this way before”. I’m realizing that I don’t have to feel guilty for being okay in the moment, for not being tired and weighed down by life, for being at peace, and for choosing joy and happiness. Thank you for sharing this…it is comforting to hear that it’s okay to be okay.
Monica recently posted…30 Days of Thanks in November
We do need that reminder, don’t we? It’s so easy to believe the ever-present sentiment that we need to be tired or stressed. But God is so gracious to give us seasons of peace and calm … and just good. Thank you, Monica, for sharing your story. It’s nice to know I’m not alone in my “okay-ness” right now.
So often, I think women feel guilty when life is good. So much so that we figure out a way to make it not good, usually by adding in busyness and drama somehow. You set an exampke for others to follow here, namely that enjoying life when it’s good is okay. Not only okay but scriptural. We don’t have to be stressed to be “in” and drama does not have to consume us in order for us to feel alive. Thank you for setting that example.
Kari Scare recently posted…Sunday Reflections – Understanding & Improving Our Communication
Oh Kari … this:
“we figure out a way to make it not good, usually by adding in busyness and drama somehow.”
We do that!! I’ve done that!! Why do we resist the seasons of “good”?
We get caught up in our culture, in the world. At least for me that is one of the primary causes. I see how other ladies are and think that’s the way to be. As I’m learning to be who I am and to focus on him and quit comparisons, this is happening less and less. Busyness and drama are fashionable these days, and I guess I just need to be out of fashion!
Kari Scare recently posted…Sunday Reflections – Understanding & Improving Our Communication
Teri Lynne, thank you for this reminder! God wants us to be joyful and experience the abundant life He promises! Even in the midst of any trials that come our way. And we sure don’t need to add to life’s trials by over committing ourselves and throwing drama into the mix! Thanks for saying it’s okay to be okay!
Kathy, I think this is a lesson I learned in part from watching you over the past few years. After our emails this morning I was thinking how much I appreciate your wisdom and gracious heart.
Love it! Lately I come to the end of the day and look back and think, “Now that was an awesome day!” It’s nice to be reminded that’s ok! 🙂
I love that you and Kathy commented on this post … you are two of the people who most inspire me to view life through the lens of gratitude and contentment. It really is all about perspective most of the time. We see what we want to see. We choose where we focus and how we spend our time and energy. I mean, I know it’s more complex than sound bites … but there is an huge part of life that is just about choosing how you are going to view each day.
I love that you look back and see awesomeness! I look at you and see the same thing!