Joining the amazing women who stop, drop, and write for five minutes each Friday. We’re led by the beautiful and incredible Lisa-Jo who offers a prompt and challenges us to write unedited, from the heart. The word this week is stay.
Last night one of my dearest friends watched her husband be wheeled into an operating room for surgery. Not just any surgery … heart transplant surgery. I’ve sat beside the bed of my husband … watching his chest move up and down as the machines forced air through his lungs. I know what it is to whisper, “Lord, please don’t take him from me. Not now.”
Sometimes staying takes everything we have. Sometimes it takes more than we have.
But sometimes, staying is all we have, all there is.
Staying close to the heartbeat of the One who gives us each beat of our own hearts.
Life is scary, filled with brokenness and pain and sorrow unimaginable. I’ve been reading the Compassion blogger posts and Jen’s stories have left me undone. Staying is hard.
But we are called to stay … not in our strength but in His.
The texts started coming about 6:00 this morning. The surgery went well. The family had been able to see him.
They will stay in Birmingham for weeks.
But they will be stayed in God forever.
Linking up with Lisa-Jo and the rest of the Five Minute Friday crowd.
Yes, staying close to our Lord is all that we have. This is our only hope and joy…the staying in Him.
I am thankful that the surgery went well. I will continue to pray for this family during the recovery.
Thank you, Monica. I loved your post today also. Going when we want to stay is so hard. Praying for you all as you make this next transition.
Wow. Amazing story. You insight is so true. We can stay not in our strength, but in His. Before i read yourpost, I was just meditating on the beauty that He is with us always, He will never leave us. And in that, I can stay.
Thank you for sharing this beautiful reflection!
Andee Flynn recently posted…in the stillness ~ stay
Thank you, Andee, for spending a few moments here today. I love this: “The beauty that He is always with us, He will never leave us. And in that, I can stay.” Such a sweet truth!!
Wow!! What a powerful word, sweet friend!!
So thankful all is well with your friend…
Stefanie, I was thinking about you this morning and how even if we lived right next door to each other there would never be enough time to share our hearts enough. You are such a blessing to me!
I’m thinking of how God is using you – one who has learned the lesson of stay, to encourage another who is in the middle of it, is beautiful.
What else is beautiful is 5 minutes of straight writing from you.
So, so good girl!
Stacey recently posted…5 Minute Friday
Oh girl! You are such a gift to me. And I do hope the lessons of staying—even when it’s hard and not fun—are valuable beyond my small experience!! 🙂
Your post on staying was also such an encouragement to me.