The One Thing I’d Say to You

Sometimes I Wonder

I’ve been saying it a lot lately.  Three little words … but words we so desperately need to grasp.

You are enough.

Lately it seems people, especially moms,  are describing themselves with words like






And I get that!  I really do!  Motherhood is hard … maybe the hardest, most gut-wrenching, heart-revealing job any of us will ever face.  It’s hard to know sometimes how to fight the busy culture in which we live.  It’s tough to figure out how to know what matters most some days, much less choose the eternal and significant over the loud cry of the here and now.    We stare down the lie that failure defines us and fight against the urge to diminish ourselves.

We strain and sometimes buckle under the weight of teaching our children to yield … because isn’t yielding a battle of our own hearts as well?

But oh remember those ten words, the ten words I want to whisper to your heart every single day?  Especially the last three:

You are enough!



Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. You have no idea how I needed to hear this right now.
    This morning was a rough parenting morning for me and the emotion of it all seemed to overwhelm me but I am so thankful that God used you to whisper that even today “I am enough.”
    Thank you!

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