#MustReads 31 Days Series Growing with Grabbie

So I have a daughter … she’s amazing.  (And at 12-1/2 also frustrating!)  When I ran across this series from Growing with Grabbie, I knew it would be something I’d love.

I’ve written a series of letters to myself about parenting.  My girl and I have a journal we pass back and forth with letters to each other.  Clearly, I believe in the power of the written word.  

The letters in this 31 Days of Letters to my Daughter series are tender and sweet.  I must warn you though, you might need a tissue!

If you were to write a letter to your child, what would you want to say?

Must Read 31 Days www.terilynneunderwood.com

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. What a GREAT idea for a 31 day series!! There’s no way I can make it to all these fabulous bloggers that are participating so I have been loving when people have lists of their favorites, but this is by far the coolest – featuring one a day! Looking forward to catching up on past ones and following the ones to come! 🙂
    Jessica Lynette recently posted…Transparent and Authentic :: day 9My Profile

    • I’m so glad you stopped by. I look forward to getting to know you thru the SP group. And, yes, I’d be a hot mess trying to write to my girl for 31 days straight. I have to have tissues nearby every day I read her posts.

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