It happens every time. At least it does to me. As soon as I think I’ve finally checked something off my list, I notice where I failed or forgot.
Last week was Parenting from the Overflow week. I spent Monday through Wednesday frantically writing and formatting. By Wednesday afternoon I finally was ready to send the preview copies to the launch team. I wrote an email saying this was not the final formatting and it had not been reviewed by an editor but I wanted them to have something to read.
Within five minutes I had six emails telling me I had failed to attach the book. Duh.
Off to a great start with the oh-so-kind mommas who had agreed to help me to share the message of the book, I sent a second email with an admission of my dork status and a sincere apology … AND the pdf of the book.
Later I was reading through the book and naturally finding a thousand ways I could have said things better or formatted differently. And then I hit these words:
Lay down the burden of fear and insecurity. Leave behind the weight of perfectionism and unrealistic expectation. Be courageous, Teri Lynne, because I AM is with you. Always.
I needed that! I will always be able to find something I could have done better … but that isn’t the point. No one who agreed to share the message of this book agreed because she thought I am a perfect parent or world-class writer. No one expects me to be perfect. No one except me … and I need to let that crazy talk go!
Today, this week, in life, my prayer for myself and for all of us is this: when faced with the choice, we’ll always choose courage over fear!
When have you had to face down fear lately and choose courage?
Parenting from the Overflow will release October 8th—that’s one week from today, y’all! I’d love to have you join me on Facebook and Pinterest to help spread this message … and for those who don’t know, the message in the book is simple: We parent best when we remember we are children of God first!
I am giving my first lecture at a local library this weekend and although it is in a very small town and I am sure the numbers will be less than 5, I am nervous! I can write, but talk! On top of it all the librarian said she has had many people come up to her and say they don’t understand my topic title! WHAT! Thanks for the reminder to breathe.
Victoria@Snailpacetransformations recently posted…31 Days of Time Saving Tips For the Homeschooling WAHM
How cool, Victoria! I was a speech communication major in college and on the debate team so speaking in public is definitely not one of my fears. But I know it can be incredibly stressful to prepare. Our local library has “meet the author” events and I am hoping to be able to speak at one of those soon.
I cried not long ago about exactly this: I feel I must be perfect, and no one else does. Why is that?
I don’t know, but it’s a struggle of mine even now.
I absolutely believe we all struggle at some level, at some time, with this very issue. I wish I knew why and how to make it stop!! 🙂